The lag I get in most parts of the prison is insane. I normally get 100+ fps on any other server, but when I get on prison, I get around 15-19 fps. On the lowest settings. honestly this would be a real head turner if I was new to prison and had this lag when I spawned in. I'm sure there has to be a way to fix this lag on prison. but if we could get noob/cyp to hop on and try to fix this problem every so often, and eventually fix it? I would be the happiest person in prison because i'm no longer looking at the ground trying to get a better FPS (Yes looking at the ground boosts FPS on prison). And maybe PvP wouldn't be so bad! This is not about the lag where everyone freezes and only chat works, Its about the FPS problem. Thank you for your time! hopefully we can get Cyp and Noob's attention and have them fix this!
So much support on this, I'm unsure as to what causes prison lag, but if Noob or Cyp could take a look into it the whole of prison would be thankful, saying as there is normally a bad lag spike every 5-10 mins it's a issue that needs to be sorted.
Support. Server lags atleast, Every few minutes. Would be very great if it could be fixed. :( and yes, I do mean fps wise^ And theres also the other problem with everyone freezing and only chat works.
Upgrading servers doesn't fix lag? Upgrading other hardware doesn't fix lag? Upgrading anything else doesn't fix lag? ... k