So right now the only way you can get money on skywars is either by Voting (once every 24 hours) Or Kits (Also once every 24 hours). I am suggesting that if you are in a Skywars game and kill someone you get 1$ for the kill. If you win the game you get 10-15$. I think this would help No-Ranks or anyone alot when trying to buy stuff from /shop. Please tell me if you think I should change something in the comments! If No supports please add a reason!
I like the idea, but that would remove the pay to win feature of this server. From what I've seen, if it's not pay to win it's not for MV.
Hes right. Mineverse is pay to win and I found that a couple of days since I first started I used to play infection until I got disappointed and someone told me u cant get full diamond armor without donating. So I got god :3. Neutral.
As others have said, it's been suggest by many people(including me) But it wouldn't hurt for another thread to be out there. Support! ;)
No support because if money was that easy to be obtained the game would be broken because of the launcher.
I believe there was/is a very detailed thread regarding a suggestion like this, but I can't remember who made it... Support though. c:
eZ 1million killz I havent seen this suggestion, thanks for support. Ty Welp maybe they will make it a little less pay to win. Never enough threads! launcher isnt even dat op doe! Ty Link pl0x? Ty k ill change it.