Fairly self explanitory. Think of one thing that you would want to have added to minecraft. What would it be? I want chairs to be a thing.
when you said fairly self explanatory I thought you were going to say pizza fm I would add sloths as animals
I was having trouble deciding between pizza or chairs. Pizza would mean I could have more friends, but it also means people would make lots of jokes about eating my family. Also, crouching on stairs looks weird so I thought chairs would be nicer.
I would love to see backpacks brought into real mc not something like hexxit or Tekkit, I know we have /echest and /Pv but having a backpack would be super cool!
I'd add a new boss. Something you need to really prepare for; a lot harder than the wither and ender dragon.
Do you think babies will ever be a thing in mc? Like you could spawn a mini you and it works like a villager baby?
Think about what you see in the creative chat. Now think about that suggestion. Are you sure that would be a good mix?