Welcome to Superman785's Mod Application. I hope I gave you enough reasons for you to help me on my Journey to become a Moderator. Introduction: Hello, I'm 22 and my In-Game username is Superman785, I would like to Moderate this server because it is a Awesome server and i would love the privilege to help the server Alot more than a normal player. I hope you Enjoy my Mod Application. Age: 22 In-Game Name: Superman785 Timezone: AEST Country: Australia Languages: English Evidence: Yes, I have recently figured out how to take a Screen Shot with Mac and how to get it on the MineVerse forums. I will continue to report people to help as much as I can. Reason For Wanting To Be A Mod: I have a Great passion for this server, At first I didn't think i liked it, Then someone showed me Prison, I have recently been on this server ALOT more than the other server i used to play on ALOT too. How Long I Can Be On For Daily: 5-7 Hours Time I Have Been Playing MineVerse: I have been playing MineVerse for around 2 weeks Have I Been Ban Before: No, I have not been ban from Either Forums or In-Game Past Moderator: I have not been a Past Moderator Traits: Helpful: Of course I'm helpful, I have been helping people Ever since I joined Mineverse. I have a Passion for helping people, Making the server safe and Enjoyable. I would help any player in need.I could also help A lot more than a Normal Player. Fast-Typer: I'm also a Really fast typer, so if a Spammer or Person was being Naughty in any way, I could type really fast to do anything to stop them. I can also type Really fast to answer a Players question. Suggestions: I could Suggests Plugins, Commands E.T.C, I could help download them for the server and help with setting them up.I have suggested some Plugins for other servers, I hav'nt been a Admin/Mod but have suggested some. Responsible: Need anything done? Leave it to me, I will do my best to help the server with what they need done. I have helped other servers Alot. Knowledgeable: I know the basic commands and most hard commands Commands for Muting, Banning E.T.C: /mute [Player] [Time] /kick [Player] [Reason] /jail [Player] [Time] /ban [Player] [Reason] /tempban [Player] [Reason] Prepared: I am Always Prepared for anything that may come up, wether it be Spamming, Swearing or Caps, I am always there to help. As I said, I will be on for around 5-7 hours, Meaning I will be prepared to Punish anyone that deserves it. I'm not normally AFK so I will be Prepared to Mute/Ban any person being bad. Reporting: I have all means to report a Spammer, Griefer E.T.C. I can report on the MineVerse Forums page which is located at www.mineverse.com. I could Also post videos of ScreenShots on a Youtube channel, ( Channel Name Yet To Be Decided.) On other servers I have reported other people and got them ban, and Mineverse will be no different from Any other server. I will NOT accept a Spammer, Hacker or Griefer and they will be Muted/Banned after 1-2 warnings, Depending on what it is. Spammer = 2 warnings, Griefer = 1 warning and Hacker will be Ban straight away. Calm: I am Always calm, I am happy to listen to anyone in need to talk to a Staff Member, I can talk to other Staff Members about anything, wether they need help with something happening at Home or if they just forgot a command, I'll always be happy to help. Rules: I know all the rules, No Black Mail, No Spam, Not too many words in Caps, No Hacking and No Griefing. Conclusion: A VERY big Thank You to Noobcrew and CypriotMerkz for making such a Wonderful server. I hope these reasons can help me get closer to Helping all the Players out there in need, All the Hackers and People like that get Punished and Help this Wonderful server Grow. Thank you for Reading my Forum Post, I wish everyone else trying to become Mod Good Luck and I hope you Enjoyed. Kind regards, Superman785
No support, sorry. You are a nice person in game but I don't think you have the perks a mod should have. Anyways good luck. You need to add more detail and traits to your app. I recomend you to look other accepted apps and part from that point.
No support, sorry. Your profile mentions you're 20 years old when you said you are 22? You should look at other professional mod apps or you could ask moderators for some advice, as you are new. A few questions are not to be considered in your mod app. Good luck!
Sorry, I entered in the Wrong Date Of Birth, I was Tierd when i entered it in, So I'm really 22, I just entered in the Wrong Date Of Birth, Thanks for the Luck, lol, was tired when i entered that in too, lol
Hello all u Mineverse Peeps, I have Updated the reasons, Plz read added reasons Above, Thanks, Superman.
No support . Sorry dude but , you need more information in this mod app. I suggest looking over accepted mod applications . Good luck my dude :D
No support, Ur play MineVerse for 2 weeks :O Ur a new member so try to be more active at other games, forums Good luck!
No support sorry, -Your application is a bit brief -You're a new member on the forums -Never seen you in game before Good luck
No support, Reasons: Very mean in game. You have verbally abused me and staff several times on prison game mode. Not much detail New Member
And also lied about age. Hope you get banned for all the things you have said to me. 22 year olds don't pick on kids btw
He has verbally abused me in the past 3 days and staff... saying things like " U" mind my language but that is what he has done lately.