The fire on swords is over powered on this game mode. They Can kill a player in 2 hits. The initial damage from the sword causes dmg but then you can lose up to an additional 6 hearts on top of that, due to fire aspect, get hit after the fire has worn of with the sword again you're likly to die. Thank you for reading and posting your opinions.
The fire sword is pretty needed on those maps with human bias.Mineshaft anyone? I meant No support,edit.
-.- No support. I tried my best to get Infection fixed; which back then, most people liked. Now you guys are complaining about everything we've gotten changed? I'd prefer if they added Fire Aspect back to MVP.
I am titan, I die very quickly as soon as fire swords get involved. I feel liek fire swords even out the playing field and help keep people like me from completely dominating zombies.