Well.. I just decided to lighten up some days in people's mind The chances of you being born is 100Billion people flipping a coin and having ALL of the coins land on heads. So be glad you have this opportunity to live in a better generation. Be glad you have people around you to support you. All of us here are always here to help any of us. Just PM and we can help you out or give you advice. Remember, just because someone says something about you doesn't mean you have to take it to heart. Remember it's their opinion. YOU'RE LIMITED EDITION AND ONLY ONE OF YOU WERE MADE. No matter how bad you think things are getting, or that you have the worst life ever, there's always someone going through ten times as worse. So don't let the fact that someone insulted you online bring you down. So be thankful that you have internet and reading this, be thankful that you have people around you that you can reach out to. Ignore people who hate you, because they don't mean anything to you. They just want to make themselves feel good about themselves. Take hate as motivation to push yourself forward. No one is the same, we're all different and we need to all accept that we all have different views on things and try putting yourself in someone else's shoes. Just because someone doesn't like to same song artist as you doesn't mean you can go dislike their post a million times.
Consider the following: The chances you were even conceived are extremely low, and then you had to be born. But wait, there's more. The chances that your father AND your mother were born makes these chances even more unimaginably slimmer. Now, trace that all the way back. The chances that you, of all possible combinations being alive right now is estimated to be one in 10 to the 10 to the 10 to the 100th power. That's insanely low. In fact, that number is physically IMPOSSIBLE to imagine.
Oh, the origin of the universe is quite simple. We live in an infinite fractal. At least that's what I believe because it makes complete sense and has not been disproven in any way yet. But yes, the truth is always what is most valued.