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  • ♣ [USA] Andrew's Moderator Application [Global] ♣

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by ImJustAndrew, Jan 16, 2016.

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    1. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      Hello everyone, I'm Andrew also known as InvalidStrafes. I'm here today applying for the Moderator Position on Mineverse. I'd like to hear every ones honest opinion about my application. I've been on Mineverse for around 6/12 months and on the forums since mid October. I was introduced to this server when I was on a website that showed a bunch of Fun to play Minecraft servers and I found this one. My first impression was "oh this is just another one of those boring servers, time to go find another one". This time it wasn't like that at all the first game mode I ever played was OpPvP and I absolutely loved and until this day I still play OpPvP as it's still my favorite. I've met some of the greatest friends in the world on here and I just love meeting new people. I'm mostly well known on OpPvP, KitPvP and OpPrison which OpPrison I will hop on every once in awhile. This is my first application and I hope it does well. I'll be updating the punctuation, spelling and grammar errors if someone has any for me to fix as I want my application to be the best as it can be. Make sure to give your complete honest opinions, corrections that I can make, and best answer. I hope you guys and girls like my application, here I go.

      How old are you?
      I'm 13 years of age. I'll be turning 14 on September 5th 2016. A lot of people judge maturity by age but I don't think that's necessarily true. I think I'm very mature for my age and mature enough to Moderate a big server like Mineverse.

      Your in-game name:
      My in-game name is, ImJustAndrew. I'm previously known as InvalidStrafes and might change it back to InvalidStrafes or another creative name I think of.

      What timezone are you in?
      Pacific Standard Time

      What country do you live in?
      United States of America

      What languages do you speak?
      The only language I speak is, English. I've never learned any other language but, I'd be willing to learn. I'm sure once I'm in High school I will have a class that teaches another language.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      Yes. I use Gyazo to report Spamming, Disrespecting, Cussing, and Advertisers. I use Fraps to record hackers. So yes, I have the ability of capturing evidence for any kind of offense. As of now I have over 70 reports and I continue to report abusers everyday.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I think I should become a Mod because, I've been very active everyday on the server and especially on the forums. I'm very active and we really do need active moderators. I've played Mineverse for around 6 1/2 months as I said and in my opinion it's the perfect amount of time to get well-known, help and apply for Moderator. I mostly play OpPvP and I have to say at night time is a time where there is not a lot of Moderators on so I'd like to fill that spot as a Night Mod. I'm not complaining because I completely understand why there are not many mods at night such as School, family, etc. I'd be one of the most active Moderators ever as I play Mineverse everyday and it's my most favorite server ever. I've been apart of this amazing, friendly and respectful community for around 6 1/2 months and I'd love to start moderating it. I post on the bugs, reports, and in the help section a lot as Helping is what I love to do if it's over Minecraft or in-real life. When I see "Welcome (User) to (game) I always will welcome that user and go ahead and message him/her to help them out/get started. That's why I think I should become a Mod for the Mineverse server.

      I've disrespected on this server in the past which was a huge mistake but I feel like I've now learned from the mistakes and am one of the most respectful members I can be. Which now after saying this I feel and I hope others feel like I've got a shot as a Moderator on Mineverse.

      I'm very helpful in-game and of course on the forums constantly teaching new players what to do, what commands to use, etc. I've reported lots of players and got them banned or muted. Which helps out the server quite a bit. New members come in asking what to do and of course I will take my time to appropriately message and help the user no matter what problem that they're having.

      I'm really respectful to Members, donators, and staff no matter what the rank is, respect is always one of the most Traits a person needs as a Moderator or just a Member in general. I feel like I respect everyone on this server and respect is really important.

      I'm a very calm person. If I die in-game I'm not the type of person to rage and cuss out the person that has killed me. I know people are not the most Calm when I kill them in a game so I try to take it in the best way possible and not disrespect back. As doing so wouldn't be very nice and wouldn't be Moderator worthy.

      I'm very active on Mineverse. I'm on about 6-7 hours at most on weekdays and up to 12 hours on the weekend. I try to be the most active user I can be in-game and on the forums as I'm reporting people constantly and feel like I do a good job of it. I love this server and I love helping those are the main reasons I'm very active on this server and I wouldn't wanna be on any other server then Mineverse.

      I'm a very honest person if someone asks me something I'd be more then happy to answer them honestly. Lots of players trust me in-game and on the forums and I feel like I'm a huge attribute to the community. I'm mostly known for my honesty on OpPvP as it's my favorite server and will probably always be that way. I do hop on ever server though once in awhile to talk to my friends, get reports. etc.

      I am very aware either if it's on the forums or in-game. I'm always checking if I have messages, responses to my reports, and new threads on the help forum to help with. I know it's very important to be aware as a Moderator because, people need to rely on you when they're messaging you to give them a response which I always do and would always continue to do as a Moderator for Mineverse.

      I'm a very responsible person. If someone is relying on me to do something I will always keep up to that promise. Such as if I'm borrowing money from someone I'll be very responsible and pay it back when they want me to or need me to. I wouldn't abuse my powers as a Moderator on any server so it means I wouldn't do it on Mineverse any way, shape or form.

      I'm a very friendly person. Ever since I've joined the forums and the server I've made many friends some of my best friends are limelight and Rodeen. They've helped me a lot through my Mineverse journey and I thank them a lot. I'm friendly towards everyone on mine verse and I try to be as nice as I can to anyone, even if they're being disrespectful towards me.

      I'm a very knowledgeable person. As of now I'm playing every server on Mineverse and I'm able to help out anyone with the problem that they're having. If there's that small chance that I can't help I'll go ahead and ask a Moderator or another Member to help me out with the issue that the other user is happening. I know all the commands such as, /ban, /mute, /kick/god, and /tempban. I'm very responsible with these commands and would not abuse them.

      I'm a very welcoming person. If I see that someone new has joined Infection, OpPvP, or any game at all I will always welcome them and try to help them out to the best of my ability. I see lots of new players coming onto the Mineverse server and the forums all the time and I know it's one of the best traits someone could have is welcoming someone in-game or on the forums.

      I'm going to be honest, my grammar is not the best but I'm working on it everyday and trying to fix all the spelling and punctuation errors. I try my best when it comes to Grammar and I'll try to work at it a lot.

      I'm a very caring person. I'f I'm doing something even if it's really important I will always make sure to help out that user no matter what their issue is. I help and respect the user even if they're getting frustrated with their issue. I'm really caring and I think it's one of the biggest traits a Moderator needs.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Monday: 6-7 hours
      Tuesday: 5-7 hours
      Wednesday: 5-7 hours
      Thursday: 5-7 hours
      Friday: 6-9 hours
      Saturday: 6-9 hours
      Sunday: 3-5 hours
      Forums: 2-4+

      Activity Conclusion:
      I know as a Moderator activity is one of the most important traits you can have. I would be one of the most active Moderators for the Mineverse server and I believe the times I've listed above is enough to Moderator a server. I hope you guys/girls agree to. If I need to be on longer on some days I will try to be but I do have school and family business to deal with sometimes. But all through that I will be an active Moderator if I got promoted.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I've been playing on this amazing community for around 6 1/2 months and been on the forums since mid October. After playing for this period of time I feel like I've become helpful, well known, and capable of applying for Moderator for Mineverse. I hope you think so too.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      No, I've never been banned in-game or on the forums. I also don't plan on ever getting banned in-game or on the forums. I feel like I'm mature, capable, and willing enough to not get banned ever on Mineverse.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I've had experience of Moderating small servers such as a server called The Red stone Isle which was owned by my friend which unfortunately about one year ago got shut down and I never heard from him again. After this happening even though it doesn't seem much like I know how to Moderate but I do know Commands such as.
      /ban [Name] [Reason]
      /tempban [Name] [Time] [Reason]
      /mute [Name] [Time] [Reason]
      /kick [Name] [Reason]
      /tp [Name]

      Moderator Experience Conclusion:
      Other then this I've never had any other experience of Moderating another server but if I'm missing something from above I'd of course be willing to learn from anyone if I got promoted to the Mineverse staff team.

      I wanna thank all the owners, and moderators that make this server be possible everyday. It's one of the biggest experiences I've ever had to play on this server and meet all of the many friends that I have. If this server was never made I wouldn't of met all these amazing people in this community. This is my first application and I feel like I'm doing the best that I can, If there's anything I can fix please tell me down below and I'll try to fix it as soon as possible. Thanks again everyone, happy posting! I wanna thanks my friends that encouraged to apply and wanted me to be a Moderator for Mineverse, thanks a lot!

      Support Count:
      Support: 12

      No Support: 4
      Neutral: 5

      Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
    2. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      Support, I have seen you in game many times. You are kind and helpful. Just be more active on forums. I've been here a month shorter and I have 2.7 times more msgs.
    3. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      • Be More Active On The Forums
      • Get More Known On The Forums
      • Be More Active In-Game
      good luck! ;)
    4. Statikk_Shiv

      Statikk_Shiv Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2015
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      No support
      • Never seen you on kit (kit was my main as of yesterday)
      • Get active on forums
      • Get known
      • We will decide if you are mature... Not the other way around
      • A few grammatical errors
      Good luck!
    5. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      Okay, thanks for the feedback, I'll try to be more active, and stuff. ;)

      Okay thanks for the feed back :) I'll try to do what you've listed above and I hope you change your mind in the future.
    6. Dark

      Dark Experienced Member

      Feb 8, 2015
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      No support at all. Jkjk, 11/10 support bro! Nice app!
    7. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      No support, reasons stated above.
    8. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      No support, reasons stated above.
    9. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      You finally did it :>
      You're a very honest and mature friend. You have all the aspects of becoming a good moderator. Just put more detail in this mod application.
    10. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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    11. bless

      bless Experienced Member

      Oct 24, 2014
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      No support whatsoever. He told a girl to cut herself in a skype call, and she did. Also, he's been creating drama on a server called MCC. He's been tryharding for staff on famous servers for about a year. He is immature, and just turned 13. Half of the things he said in this app are lies. Promoting him would be equal to promoting a toddler.
    12. Cryniix

      Cryniix Active Member

      Dec 21, 2015
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      Support. However:
      • Please use some colors. it is eye catching :)
    13. Levis

      Levis Boss Member

      Sep 13, 2014
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      Like what @Rodeen said.. -.-
    14. Accepted

      Accepted Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      Support :)
    15. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      Thanks all of you, it means a lot! :P
    16. Cryniix

      Cryniix Active Member

      Dec 21, 2015
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      Np <3
    17. YRVintage

      YRVintage Guest

    18. Jess C:

      Jess C: Active Member

      Jan 1, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Support, You seem like a nice person ingame :)
      Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
    19. Emilly

      Emilly Active Member

      May 30, 2014
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      Support because despite the fact that you're young (in the eyes of most people, that is) I think that you're responsible and mature enough to handle the responsibility of mod. From experience I know that you're a nice person and that you treat people with respect so I wish you good luck on your moderator application ! :):)
    20. Fruit1k

      Fruit1k Experienced Member

      Aug 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      You seem nice, and your mod application is pretty good.
      Support from me :D
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