Hello, My Ign is CIASnipez I have been playing mineverse for about One year and a half. I am fourteen years old and will be turning fifteen in four months . I really like this server. I have been thinking of ways to help the server; I thought of one way to help Op Fac other than banning hackers and trying to keep this server nice and safe for everyone. I have been thinking for a while that Mineverse should raise the blue line up higher off of spawn. Because, when players PvP they stand next to the blue line for you to hit them up, when there about to die, To prevent that from happening. We should raise the blue line, at least one or two blocks higher, so they don't get knocked back up to the safe zone. Now, you guys might be thinking "yea, that might help, but what about the red line!?!?" Not everyone knows about the red line, but you guys should make the red line farther just for now, and we will see what we will do as a mineverse family to fix that later on. However, this suggestion right now is about the blue line, So that is why you should raise the blue line up at least one or two more blocks. I do know it can be annoying when players stand next to the blue line to get hit up. Please, let me know what you think about my suggestion. I Thank you all for reading, Hope you all like it...
No support, xD when I need to run I need to run. (people with 3k axes kill you so fast your only chance it to get knocked over or to run like you have never ran before)
You would have to fight back if u cant fight back it would be going to the red line to safety ok but theres 1 guy with 3k axes and u still do have the red line to run to but thank you anyway