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  • [USA] SnakeVenom’s Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by SnakeVenomPvP, Jan 15, 2016.


    Would I make a good moderator on Mineverse?

    1. Yes

      8 vote(s)
    2. No

      10 vote(s)
    3. Neutral

      6 vote(s)
    4. Add more detail then I will consider yes.

      2 vote(s)
    5. Be more active then I will say yes

      1 vote(s)
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    1. Levis

      Levis Boss Member

      Sep 13, 2014
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      Cause all those hackers wants to be the best of all those 50k players.. Well.. "Best"
    2. Levis

      Levis Boss Member

      Sep 13, 2014
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      Support!! You seem like a very good/friendly person! Good luck!
      And have a great day! :>
    3. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      Thank you!!!
    4. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      To both of you who said I only focused on hackers throughout my mod application. I will be making an edit later today to make it equally focused on scammers, hackers, advertisers and spammers.
    5. Empster

      Empster Experienced Member

      Nov 26, 2015
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    6. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      Thank you.
    7. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      Sorry no support, good luck though. :)
    8. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      In your application you state
      Saturday- 7-10 hours.
      Now I don't see any player 7-10 hours a day on MC.
      That's your whole day gone.
      I also have not seen you enough in game to state your active.
      No Support.
    9. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      No support.
    10. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      "There are countless reasons to why I would love to become a mod and to why I believe that I should be a mod. I have three favorite game modes, KitPvp, OpPvp, and infection. On KitPvp and OpPvp as many of you know, you encounter countless hackers. It is not only like this on KitPvp and OpPvp, but it is like this on every other game mode. Hackers destroy everyone’s in game experience and many it, so the server is a lot less fun to play. With this, I believe we need more moderators to catch the countless number of hackers that the average player will encounter on a daily basis. Although our moderator team bans a countless number of hackers each day, the problem persists seemingly unaffected. We need to add more staff members to fix this issue."
      "many it"??

      "Not only are there hackers but there are other kinds of rule breakers such as scammers, spammers, and advertisers. I would also like to help eradicate this group of rule breakers. I have personally been scammed out of over ten million dollars on OpFactions all at once. This was one of the worst days of my life on Mineverse. Scamming is not allowed so we need to focus on eradicating this problem to. Scamming happens to people every single day. Spammers are also a major problem, it just makes in game interaction hard. If your friend sends you a message and the chat is being spammed with messages it will be hard to read that message.
      First sentence need a comma before "but".

      "Now for the positive side of being a moderator. I would love to be able to get on every day and not only stop rule breakers but also help the new members of our community that need help and ask questions (even though I already try my best to do this) being a moderator would enable me to go to a whole new level of helping people because when you are a moderator people actively search you out for help and I feel that I am ready for this primary responsibility of helping players to my fullest ability."
      This is pretty much one big run on sentence.

      I am always ready to help any player who needs aid and will go to the farthest extent to get a player something he or she needs. I frequently answer questions for newer players who don’t know the answers to certain things. I will always try to the full extent of my power to make any members stay on Mineverse a fun, enjoyable stay on our server."

      I am an incredibly active player in game and on forums. Whenever I am needed, I will be ready to pounce on a problem and resolve it. If I am not on game, then I will be doing one of two things. Looking at forums and replying to various kinds of threads or I will be on mine chat (to everyone that doesn’t know what mine chat is, it is an iPhone app that allows me to talk on our servers chat but not be in game). I play at least 5 hours a day even on school nights."
      *in game

      You need to be honest not with just others but yourself also. Honesty is the true key trait. When you are judging a report or a ban appeal, you will need to be honest with yourself and no think about things that will affect your decision. If this player that is being reported has been rude to you in the past, you will still need to make sure that you are unbiased and fair towards them so that you do not unfairly ban someone. "

      I would like to see you become more active on the forums.
    11. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
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      I'm sorry, but this is a common excuse used for hacking. If you hacked in the past, own up to it. As long as you don't do it anymore, no one is going to judge you.

      The part about past moderator experience-
      So, you were staff on that server for 9 months. After joining Mineverse, a week later you resigned? This to me, seems like a lie. What was this server called? How many players were on it?

      Neutral. I know you're an active, and respectful player. This application also has a vast amount of detail. But, I feel like you lied in the application.
    12. Onigiri

      Onigiri Active Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      wow dude that is one heck of a application
    13. Sound

      Sound Experienced Member

      Nov 8, 2013
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      No support you sir are a joke.
      You rule break constantly even though you have been warned for the last time stop double posting.

      Also, what is this?
      I asked you here to close that thread all it has done is bring more hatred than good. Get views lol for what trophies lol your one greedy person.

      Now here comes the good part, in your Application you said you're Responsible ( I only read this from the subtitle I am not bothered enough to read an application full of lies) How can you be responsible if you cannot even take any responsibility for the thread and closing it.

      Also, you said you are Honest how is this true? [A couple of Days ago I was on Infection for the first time in ages and we were in the map Mineshaft and a Titan had almost 50 rofls from spawn camping when I went to hit him he would hit me in the air all the way to the other side of the room and do head spins from that point it was clear to me that he was hacking. I then proceeded to call him out and he instantly logged off. You then went on to defend him and say he is not hacking and he is in a call with you screen sharing and he went to sleep.] From reading previous comments on your application it seems that you really despise hackers so I am also asking you why would you defend one and then go on to say that you are honest on your application?

      Mature you are certainly not mature from defending hackers to double posting and lying on your application you are the epitome of sad.

      Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
    14. KlutzyGiant4

      KlutzyGiant4 Experienced Member

      May 11, 2014
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      No support you says you 'played for 1 and a half year' however i never seen you in game before.
    15. Statikk_Shiv

      Statikk_Shiv Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2015
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      • Never send you in game.
      • You aren't active enough on forums
      • A bit more detail
      • Get known
      No support.
      Good luck!
    16. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      May I ask why?

      Okay I am generally as I said in kitpvp, oppvp and infection. Sorry I have no life... and I would love to meet you in game some time to prove that I am active.

      Thank you for the feedback on the mistakes in my app. Apparently my grammar checker isn't as good as I thought I will make those changes in my next version of my app. I will try to be more active on forums also.
      Thank you.

      Okay first let me respond to the hacker part. I had a friend I don't wan to mention his name specifically here but he was allowed to use my account. I did not know he hacked and I ended up getting banned on opfactions. If you want proof that it was him and not me we can find the old mod xSoulHero or you can talk to him. I promise I do not hack and I never have.
      Now for the part about my past moderator experience. This servers name was Kadcraft. It received 10-15 players a day generally but in the weeks before I resigned it had began to loose players and only had 5-10. Most of my friends had left it. Shortly after I joined Mineverse. I instantly fell in love with it and played everyday for quite a long time. I then later resigned from kadcraft because as I said all of my friends had recently left it. I still visit kadcraft every once in a while and the owner actually recently decided to make me admin again but that was some 2 weeks ago and I haven't been on it since. Thank you and I would never lie in my application.

      Thank you.

      Views don't give you trophies first of all. I wanted more people to see it so they could realize that this is a problem and so that maybe some of them could help me address it.
      Players can't close threads as far as I know and if they could I don't know how. I asked a mod to close it and it hasn't been closed so ummm what are you talking about?
      I am honest OfficiallyUnknown does not hack to my knowledge I have seen his versions and he had no hacked clients for what I saw. I do hate hackers and I would love for you to show me the proof that he was hacking. If he was hacking and you prove it to me I would probably try and find a way to record and report him myself. To your mature comment, I didn't defend a hacker because he doesn't hack unless you show me the proof(please show me seriously I don't wanna be friends with a hacker if he does.) I have only double posted once where I got warned for it. The other times I posted things hours apart which to my understanding is allowed. I didn't lie on my application so once again. Thank you for your feedback I would love to improve on what you said. Also I have seen you on opfactions and I would love to meet you but the last time I tried you immaturely ignored me.

      Thank you for your feedback would you like to meet sometime and we can talk?

      Thank you for your feedback. Would you like to meet in game. I am working on my activity on forums. I feel as if I put enough detail but I will try to add more. And I am trying once again.

      Thank you everyone for your feedback on my application. I hope I have answered some of your questions and that you see that I have not lied on my application.

      Read this after reading Theman8775's post so you can see the actual truth. Thank you.
    17. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      I just want to talk to you.
    18. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      Neutral, I would like to see you know the community more on forums.
    19. Tariar

      Tariar Experienced Member

      Jan 3, 2016
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      Neutral. It's getting a little off topic.
    20. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      Sorry about that xD...
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