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  • Skyblock and Mineverse's Dubtrack [NO LONGER OFFICIAL]

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Akrill, Jan 11, 2016.

    1. Akrill

      Akrill Active Member

      Oct 13, 2013
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      I have taken the liberty of creating a Dubtrack room for Skyblock and Mineverse.
      Diving straight into it, I'll answer the first question that I'm sure many of you have.
      What is Dubtrack?

      Well, Dubtrack is the successor of a website that was known as Plug.dj, which got shut down.
      It's a community in itself, while it can uphold a seperate community.
      Funnily enough, you can meet and befriend people that aren't even from the Skyblock or Mineverse servers, often with similar interests as you.
      The core aspect is that you can play music (by queuing them up) and listen to others playing theirs.

      The room is here: SkyblockMV | Dubtrack.fm
      For the sake of simplicity, my nickname on Dubtrack is "Draghon" and not; Cryo, CryoControl or Akrill.

      - Ranks -
      There are several ranks in Dubtrack.
      • Default
      • DJ
      • Resident DJ
      • VIP
      • Mod
      • Manager
      Default: You can queue up songs. That is about it.
      DJ: You are allowed to play your own songs that you have created. ONLY DJ'S HAVE THIS PERMISSION.
      Contact Owner or Manager for this role.
      Resident DJ: Donor rank. Skyblock and Mineverse donors get put into this. Can join a Locked queue.
      VIP: Permission to Skip songs (not a Staff member).
      Mod: Staff member. Can skip songs. Can remove a user's queued up song(s).
      Manager: Sort of like an admin. Can remove and grant ranks in the Dubtrack room.

      To get Resident DJ, you will have to prove to either Roblox or myself that you are in a Donor group. You will have to get on the server you have donated on and speak with us.

      - Rules -
      Stick within these genres!
      They are:
      - EDM
      - Chill
      - House
      - Nightcore
      - Dubstep
      - Trap
      - DnB
      - Electro
      - Alternative
      - Rock
      Any other genres are to be skipped, unless a Mod gives their permission.

      You are to respect others in the chat. This goes for regular users and staff.
      • You are expected to follow what staff members tell you.
      • If you feel you have been punished and done nothing wrong, contact one of the room owners.
      • No trolling songs (racist/offensive/jump sounds e.g. John Cena).
      • Self-promotion is NOT allowed if you aren't in the DJ rank.
      • Songs are not allowed to be over 6 minutes 30 seconds. The hard cap is at 7 minutes.
      • Please don't post the same song multiple times in a row. It will get skipped. This is for diversity. Applies to yours or others.
      • Swearing is "permitted", if kept at a minimum. Accidents and rare curses are alright. If you swear just because you can, you get punished.
      • Keep chat in English only.
      • Keep the chat clean. No racial slurs are allowed at all.
      • We understand that being "mean" to each other is fun, but keep this only to your friends and at a low amount.
      • Usage of the tag @everyone is strictly forbidden. Anyone who is below the rank of Manager gets timed out for using it. You will only receive one warning prior to the temp ban.
      • Usage of other people's IRL pictures is not allowed in the room, without their permission. Popular memes are excluded for this.
      • Keep the songs in English.
      • If you are asked to stay off of potentially sensitive subjects, you are expected to listen.
      • You are not allowed to bad mouth of trash talk another song. Just down vote it w

      Failure in following these rules may very well result in time outs, kicks, temp bans and bans.

      - Dubx -
      *Chrome store's extension is currently unavailable*

      However, you CAN still use the Firefox method for Chrome, using the Bookmarklet.

      I highly recommend that you install the Dubx extension.
      It helps you out in the long run by a lot.

      Dubx is basically a script to Dubtrack. It allows you to use a bunch new features, including;
      - Custom background
      - Custom layout
      - Auto upvote
      - Twitch emotes
      and move.

      You can get it here: DubX | About

      1. Click here: DubX | About
      2. Drag the box labeled "BOOKMARKLET" into your book mark folder, as shown here;
      Screenshot by Lightshot
      3. Click on the bookmarked script while in the Dubtrack room!
      Screenshot by Lightshot
      4. DONE!
      However, Firefox users have to reactivate the script every time they join/leave rooms.
      You reactivate it by clicking it just like before.

      Once you have aquired the Dubx extension, feel free to play around with the new found options you've received. You find them up here:
      Screenshot by Lightshot
      It will bring up this list:
      Screenshot by Lightshot

      I highly recommend that you enable "autovote", "emotes", "autocomplete emojis", "autocomplete mentions" and "notification on mentions"!

      To customize the Dubtrack layout, you can use a custom CSS.
      You find this here: Screenshot by Lightshot

      Copy and paste this link into the window that is opened when you click "Custom CSS":
      Then refresh the page.

      -Dubtrack's mods/staff-
      This list should always be updated. Names could be different for a sort period of time, due to their name changing feature.

      Room owners:
      - Draghon
      - UrMotherInHD (CypriotMerkz)
      - Jag_ (Developer)

      - RobloxianRoblox. Handles the promotions and (hopefully no) demotions.
      - ChibiBerry. Handles the new and current Mods. Go to Chibi for questions.

      - LadyVermilion
      - Dinklefuzz
      - Nanurz
      - Lukenbalz
      - Geonecis
      - PlzNo
      - Elrak
      - Jedi_josiah
      - iMeowmix
      - Rodeen
      - Kitkxt
      - AthleticPsycho
      - indie.emma

      There will be a bot in the room in the future. It will have some commands, nifty tips and will have small community treats.

      • You can queue an entire playlist from Youtube/Soundcloud by using their feature "Import Playlist"
      • You don't have to sign up to use Dubtrack, but it allows you to queue up your own songs and chat in the room's chat.
      • The room's queue works that you have 1 song in the queue at a time. When your song has played or is playing, it will queue up the next one from your personal queue.
      • It is recommended that you create your own list from Youtube, then import the entire list using their "Import Playlist" feature.
      • In your own personal queue, you can drag and drop your songs to reorder them. The trash can means that you remove it from the queue.
      Thanks for ChibiBerry for assisting in this guide!

      There are multiple ways you can login and join Dubtrack: Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud, Twitch or making a Dubtrack account, all of these are self explanatory. You'll have to login into your account on any of these networks then have to accept a conformation email if need be then you're all set and ready to join. For Dubtrack you're required to make a username and email, accept the conformation email then set a password then you are done.

      Now that you're logged in, go to the top right corner where you can see your username. Click this and you'll be sent to your profile, here you can see your Picture, Username and Followers. You can edit your details here by clicking "edit". You can change your picture here (jpgs, pngs and gifs are accepted).

      Catching up with a friend on Dubtrack can be a little hard when you're in different timezones so you can message people regardless what login platform they've used and users from all over the site.
      Next to your username you'll see a "letter" icon, write in their username in the search bar and click the person you're looking for. Once you've added all the people you want in the private message, hit enter in the search bar. In order to make the chat finalized press enter on your keyboard and type something so it saves.
      The shorter way of doing this is clicking the person you wish to message and click the chat bubble with the "..." on it.

      Dubtrack Mod Applications are to be posted here:

      I wish to start by saying thanks to all who joined and who decided to stick around the Dubtrack!
      While it's cool to be the official room of the networks, I have decided to no longer brandish it as the room connected to SB/MV.
      The reason I'm doing this is because the community and regular users are far from only SB/MV players, let alone MC players.
      Thus, any and all activity will be handled by me and my staff team on Dubtrack.
      All Resident DJs will remain in this rank (with a few exceptions) but no more will have the Resident DJ rank added due to a donor rank.
      Bans/applications/questions and other inquiries are some of aforementioned activities that will be handled internally.
      These will take place in a location I haven't yet decided.

      Obviously, all SB/MV players are still welcome to join and listen to music.
      Just know that we will run by our rules set up here. They may differ from the servers.
      This won't mean the atmosphere in my room will be any different to prior being an official room of Crew's servers.
      I still have rules and expect my staff to uphold these. It contributes to a lot more enjoyable stay, compared to a lot of rooms.
      I take harassment and mod abuse seriously.

      Be sure not to miss the event in the future!
      As of now, The Eden Project and MitiS have confirmed their invitation to play in 2-3 weeks!
      More info will be in my room. I will personally only post it there! A set date will be posted there in a week.
      URL will stay the same.
      • Like Like x 4
      Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
    2. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      OMG, I remember I wasted half of my life in plug.dj ;-; I cri now because its closed ;-;
    3. Akrill

      Akrill Active Member

      Oct 13, 2013
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      Yeah, I used it a lot as well.
      In my opinion, Dubtrack is far better than Plug.dj was :)
    4. Akrill

      Akrill Active Member

      Oct 13, 2013
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      Added guide on how to install Dubx on Firefox browsers. Chrome still unavailable, unfortunately.
    5. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      Plug.dj had its own thing. The avatars. And idk if you were on plug.dj on those times when in plug.dj you actually had to gather the points to get the avatars. Idk if its the same thing on here but if it is I'm going to start actually visiting there non stop... just like in plug.
    6. Akrill

      Akrill Active Member

      Oct 13, 2013
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      Uh, I'm not sure if I remember. I used it for a long time, regardless :P
      Just listened to the music.
      I suppose the thing with Dubtrack is the updubs. You gain them by people upvoting your songs.
      In the future, you'll be able to spend those points. The service is still very young :)
    7. YRVintage

      YRVintage Guest

      Thanks for making this.
    8. Akrill

      Akrill Active Member

      Oct 13, 2013
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      Thanks for liking it. Hope you'll use it :P
    9. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      Lets just hope that it will get better...
      Even if it will get better ill still have plug.dj in my heart as the best music site ever...
    10. Akrill

      Akrill Active Member

      Oct 13, 2013
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      Hah, everyone has their opinion :)
      I doubt it's coming back though.
    11. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      Its not... They can't afford it anymore. And everything happened just because of the sub stuff...
    12. Akrill

      Akrill Active Member

      Oct 13, 2013
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      Updated rules and guides!

      Also @Parad0x
      I have one here that I keep updating. But thank you xD
    13. funmaker

      funmaker Experienced Member

      Jan 8, 2016
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      Any chance that it has the video feature, as Plug.dj did?
    14. Akrill

      Akrill Active Member

      Oct 13, 2013
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      You can see videos, yes.
      It's something you can toggle on and off :P
      • Like Like x 1
    15. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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    16. Akrill

      Akrill Active Member

      Oct 13, 2013
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      • Like Like x 1
    17. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Oh rip me
    18. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
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    19. Akrill

      Akrill Active Member

      Oct 13, 2013
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      Haha, thanks anyway, man :)
    20. Oh You Touch My Tralala

      Oh You Touch My Tralala Active Member

      Jan 9, 2016
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