If you've played survival and gone to the spawn shop, you may have noticed that you can sell and buy blaze rods. However, you can only buy/sell one at a time. I am requesting that the amount is changed to 64. Due to the large amount of blaze farms that are already in existence, we can easily farm stacks of blaze rods in minutes. However, selling it takes way too long. Old: Buy 1 for 150$ Sell 1 for 75$ Proposed: Buy 64/1 for 9600/150 Sell 64 for 4800$ @StrKillr @galvanastas @XxDragonSkillerz @TypoManiacxX
But you can save yourself like 15 mins. Time is money. Anyways I support this. @Nanurz I believe you are in charge of the Survival Shop.