Hello! I was playing infection this morning and I found out that we have this thing that pops on our screen if we don't move. ---[] Fix []--- This thing, appears on your screen for 10 minutes if you stay ask for 1 minute. It get's really annoying. We should also add if you do stay ask then you should actually be taken to the lobby unlike now, It threatens you but nothing happens. ---[] Suggestion []--- Make it only appear if you don't move At All for 5 minutes and appear for only about 30 seconds - 1 minute. ---[] Outro []--- Thanks 4 Reading! Please comment either a Neutral, Support or No Support below. I will now provide you with some moments when this was ticking me off.
Aha, I was about to say "Wouldn't it make more sense if it said 'Move around or return to the lobby' Support.
Support whenever I play at night there is always like 50 people AFK at spawn, Gets really laggy after a while .