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  • [CAN] NZA's Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by funmaker, Jan 13, 2016.

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    1. funmaker

      funmaker Experienced Member

      Jan 8, 2016
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      First off I'd like to start off with a little intro, my name is Hunter, but I'm mostly known to be Vampiric or NZA, I started playing Mineverse a little while after the server was created, around November 2013. I'm making this application as(hopefully) my final one, and I'm just going to be keeping it open. Many people would say that I'm not ready to become a moderator, and I have made a lot of problems for people, and a lot of mistakes over the years, but I'm just going to be giving myself a chance, and whoever decides to support me can do so. I'll really appreciate if people would give me this one chance to be a part of the staff team, and although I know I have to work on things, I won't ever act the way I have in the past, and I know that I'm ready to become a staff member here as long as I get the chance to be. Before reading this, I hope you can give me a fresh start in your own perspective from the past.

      How old are you? I'm currently 15 years old, as of December 21st, 2015. I'm still fairly young but in the past months I've worked a lot on maturity and being a better person, especially working on tolerance and not getting upset so easily. I believe that I still have to work on it, but that it's a lot better than it was.

      Your in-game name: My current in game name is NZA.

      What timezone are you in? My timezone is GMT -08:00

      What country do you live in? I live in Canada.

      What languages do you speak? I don't currently speak any fluent languages except for English, although I'm still in school and I have a lot of opportunity to broaden the languages in which I'm able to fluently speak.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? Yeah, I'm able to record people breaking the rules and am very aware of the server's rules, as well as a player's and staff member's obligations to following them.

      Why do you think you should become a mod? The reason I honestly think I should become a moderator here is because I've acted very foolishly in the past and it was very stupid of me to be such a negative influence to the community here, I understand that all actions have consequences and I was fully aware of what they were when I was doing those actions, but even still the community here wasn't as negative towards me in the end as I was towards it, and after I left I really got the opportunity to think about how much people have done for me, when I've done very little for them.

      One of the only reasons I play minecraft other than for enjoyment is because of the people I meet around the servers, people who honestly, even though it's completely anonymous and could act very differently than how they do elsewhere, do not act differently and instead choose to be kind people who you couldn't in a lifetime find a negative thing to say about. Sure no community is perfect and in fact a part of this server's community, as well as my former self, is very negative and rather harsh, but everyone is still a person and though even I chose to act that way, I still believe that everyone should have a chance to change, not a chance to keep acting foolishly, but a chance to truly change and become a proper person in the community who does nothing but good for people, this will never apply to everyone, but I would love to become a moderator here so that I can give people chances to change as well as keep the great community here away from toxicity and harshness, though I understand accepting a position as moderator would mean I would have to impartially enforce the rules here and leave no room for people to act the way I disgustingly have in the past, I still gladly volunteer my use if I were to ever be given a chance, to help better this community as I truly do feel moderating is the right approach to the only problem in this community.

      Directly answering the question, I would like to become a staff member here is to truly see the way they have to deal with things here now that I've worked on bettering myself, many people are grateful for the staff team here and whether that's to be actually thankful for what they do or to get some form of "reward" for being appreciative of the staff team, I find myself in the same mindset, though I have pretty relentlessly dissed, mocked and insulted the staff team here in the past for being all about backing each other more than players and being all about having power, as well as making excuses for problems more than they care to fix them, I admit I was completely mistaken, seeing the way they've actually acted the past month or so, the staff team has very much either improved since I've been gone, or my view of the staff team has just changed drastically, they seem very committed to making the server better for everyone and the way I formerly looked at the staff team backing each other more than they do players, I view it now as what it actually is, staff members working together to provide the community with a positive environment and heavily supporting other people within their team that have the same goal.

      I think I should become a staff member as I truly get the goal of the staff team and although I would like to prove myself, I know no better way to than becoming a moderator and further helping the community as the current staff team already does. I'm fully supportive of the positive influence and people in this community, especially the team that works so hard to preserve that, and I'm fully ready to work for that same goal, though I hope it can soon be as a moderator here, I'm prepared to always do whatever it takes, in any way I can.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be active on the server I wish to moderate very much during mostly all hours of the day. I'll be active in the team chat and on the forums while I am on the server so there won't ever be a problem with me not being able to come on when an issue arises, or being on, ready enough to prevent one from surfacing.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse? As mentioned in my intro, though I have taken breaks throughout my time here(My last one being the final one), I've played here for somewhat nearly 3 years, and though I've only recently started to see what makes MV the good place it is, I'm ready to support it fully, as well as anyone with the same determined goal.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? I have been banned in the past from the forums as part of one of the mistakes I had made, lending someone my account to do something who I trusted enough not to do what they did with it. I've also been banned once on Infection for a month by Nightfire for heavily disrespecting the server and players, which again, I'm incredibly sorry for, and I've worked on my completely personal problems.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? My moderator experience isn't all that relevant anymore, and shouldn't be relied on as it's somewhat outdated. For me and as far as I'm concerned for you, this will be a completely fresh start as a moderator for me, and I hope that I'm given just one chance to be part of the team here.

      Thank you for reading my application.
    2. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      Become more active on forums and its all global.
    3. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      Read your report fully. Probably the longest report I have seen in a while. Seems like you out in some filler to make it look bigger but I still liked it. I am going to go with neutral because I have never seen you in game.

      EDIT: I read it from my phone originally, that made it look bigger sorry nevermind on my previous response.^
      Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
    4. funmaker

      funmaker Experienced Member

      Jan 8, 2016
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      I'd rather just apply for the one server, hopefully that can be acceptable, I've been told it is.
    5. Lord Jaraxxus

      Lord Jaraxxus Well-Known Member

      Jun 9, 2014
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      I like seeing you online but whenever you apply you don't follow the process all the way through and usually quit which really makes me sad. You'll always have my Support though.
    6. Electric_

      Electric_ Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2014
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      I support, though I'd like to see you on forums more.
    7. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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    8. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      No support.
    9. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Neutral. You seem helpful and you seem to know your things, but you need to become more active on forums and be more active in-game. Maybe add some colours. As said earlier, you may only moderate globally, not one server.
    10. funmaker

      funmaker Experienced Member

      Jan 8, 2016
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      As far as I'm concerned, the global mod system being added back is a terrible system.
    11. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      Unfortuneatly you must conform to the rules to be considered for the moderator rule, your application looks a good length but I would actually say that it is almost too long I skimmed over it and it looks alright, I'm gunna read it more in depth in a minute.
      I would say Try and be more active on the forums and you'll have my support.

      Good luck but I'm neutral FOR NOW

      *edit* after reading this I think you should try and cut your app down and maybe rewrite some of it
      Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
    12. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

    13. funmaker

      funmaker Experienced Member

      Jan 8, 2016
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      As requested I've changed my application to one for global moderator, at least(if ever) until I'm able to apply for a less amount of servers.
    14. Valor

      Valor Well-Known Member

      Nov 2, 2013
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      I think we could do with another 1 server Mod, although I'm not sure that Cyp would go back to promoting 1-2 server mods.
    15. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
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      Neutral be more active on forums
    16. gabby

      gabby Legendary Member

      May 3, 2014
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    17. Snowy

      Snowy Experienced Member

      Jan 10, 2016
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      Support why not have a second chance?? however you need to become active on forums
      Last edited: Jan 14, 2016
    18. Statikk_Shiv

      Statikk_Shiv Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2015
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      Only 71 messages? Joined last Friday...
      Too soon sorry.
      • Get active on the forums
      • Try using some color to make the app more eye-catching
      No support
      Good luck
    19. Dalek

      Dalek Experienced Member

      Dec 20, 2014
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    20. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Thread locked on request.
      If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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