How old are you? 16 Your in-game name: BrenThePotato What timezone are you in? Greenwich Mean Time Zone (GMT) What country do you live in? Northern Ireland What languages do you speak? I speak a little Irish, French, Spanish then I speak English fluently (First Language). Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes, I have a Microphone installed on all devices in my house. I can take screenshots (I use my 250gb hard drive to store them in) Why do you think you should become a mod? I have plenty of experience of being a staff member I also can provide the necessary care for the community of Mineverse by stopping any hackers, bullies and generally any sort of player that cheats or is a threat to the community in any sort of way coming on Mineverse. It would mean more than the world for me to be able to come on and help new or even experienced players every day I am really active aswell. I have team speak, skype and enjine Contact me if you need my username for any of them. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Generally I can be on as much as needed a day but to be precise I player 4-8 hours on weekdays when I have school and 10-17 on weekends or any time I am off school. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been here a long time around 6 months. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) No! I have never been banned on any servers and I have never been banned from the forums. (I do not like ruining any players fun so I try not to get banned from any servers). Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, Helper (2) (I am currently still a helper on a server I can provide proof if needed. The other time I was ranked up. Moderator (2) I was a Moderator on a server where I was promoted then the other time the server closed due to lack of funds. Admin (1) I am currently Admin on a server so I am able to give proof. Head-Admin (1) I was Head-Admin on a friends server but it closed down, Owner (1) I had a server called FlashCraft but I closed it today so I can focus on being on here more.
Neutral.. Add more information about yourself and get online on the FORUMS morely. Anyways, goodluck. :D
Basically what he said XD apart from the add colours you don't need colours on a mod app. Sorry I'm going to stay neutral. You may have lots of experience but you are lacking information in specific areas
She* and colors are more eye catching when it comes to apps. They make it exciting rather than just plain and boring.
Neutral But to improve ... -try becoming more active on the forums -I am yet to see you ingame so try and be more active -maybe add a little more to the why you should become a mod section Good luck
Neutral Add more information about yourself, be more online in-game and on the forums! Anyways, good luck! :D
Judging by that you were last on when you posted this, and that you joined on the same day. You are not active enough. No support.