On everyone's profile, you can see the amount of ratings given and received they have. This suggestion is to add an ability to these numbers. Spoiler Each number will be a hyperlink to a pop-up window. Much like the pop-up window for followers. Spoiler The pop-up window will have a list of the top 10 members with that rating. For example. If I would click on the number for the amount of ratings I have for "agree"s given, the pop-up window will show a list of the top 10 members who have given the most "agree" ratings. Another example would be if I clicked on the number for the amount of ratings I have for "friendly"s received, the pop-up window will show a list of the top 10 members who have received the most "friendly" ratings. If this is possible to have, I would very much like to have this implemented. Thanks for reading.
I mean you can just go to the members tab and check out the top positive ratings, if(and I assume it is) that's what you're getting at.
This suggestion is for specific ratings, not just positives and negatives overall. Each rating for received and given will each have a top 10 list.
I know but what I'm saying is currently I assume if someone were to have the most of a positive/negative rating they would at least be somewhere in the top 10 on the members page.
This suggestion is not just for ratings received, but also ratings given. It has nothing to do with the top 10 members page. And people there usually have many likes, they usually don't have a bunch of the other ratings.
on some profile's like @Pile_of_Butts @fryzigg @Spice it'd be hard since there would havee to be a lot of people. But, I still support.
It would be the same 10 people on everyone's profile. But will change when someone passes someone, but it will still show up the same on everyone's profile. Auto-correct from my tablet. Thanks.
I don't see much of a point in this. I don't really think people want to know or even if they care who gave me 3500 likes or who received one of the 4000 likes I've liked in the past.
That is not what this would do. It doesn't not show who gave you each of your ratings, or who you gave each of your ratings to. This is to see the top 10 people in the specific sector. For likes given, it will show the top 10 people who gave likes, and that's all.
So a top 10? Still not much of a convincing argument presented, seems like a thing people would just look at once. The forums have been around long enough in that the positions of whoever would only change once every couple months because there are people with already high amounts. what is this i don't understand