To those who think it would be to OP....there is a reason its a $250 rank. Why spend the money when you get nothing from it. Im a titan and would like to get something useful from this.! #SupportRodeen2k15
Me and a couple other people that are not able to post on forums disagree with this, and let me explain why. First of all, titans, along with every rank, get their kit and have a cool-down of 15 minutes. this being said, all they would have to do is afk a couple hours in order to get "Over powered" in the server. There is nothing wrong with being dominant, but getting a pp4 set every 2 hours (with ofcourse a couple levels of exp) seems too much. That's 2 echests of pp4 in a full day, and that seems a bit unethical, as it takes a normal person about a week to get their first set. If this passes, noone will want to play anymore due to the amount of titans in pp4 dominating the server. Titans still get /invsee , /heal , etc. But if they get pp4 just out of being afk, that would be when this server turns into a "PayToWin" @Herf
Projectile Protection 4 isn't too hard to come across in the first place. I'm rank God, I just get plain diamond armour, yet I still have plenty of PP4 kits.