No support You aren't mature enough for mod. You aren't that active on other gamemode's Try giving more details in your app
I made an alt here because I forgot my old one. lol Jhow ;) I had to make an alt here bc I forgot the password to the old one
Is this your main account? I can help you regain your password if you would like. Please let me know.
Well then you will need to become more active on this one, you cannot use the "I made an alt because I lost my old account" excuse sorry, you can't have just forgotten the name of it
Sure? Thanks? I Don't believe this account is yours. You said "Sure" You trying to get a free account now? Lmfao
Well, i am gonna chance my No support to Neutral. You have been getting more active, and i think you could have the potential to become mod. Good luck tho
You know, it doesn't matter how many supports/neutrals/no-supports you get, so don't need to waste too much time asking for support on servers. Moderators find people who seem worthy to be a moderator, then the head mods pass it onto cyp and crew