How old are you? 14 Your in-game name:Thnayn559 What timezone are you in? AST What country do you live in?Kuwait What languages do you speak? Arabic and english. Btw i speak english more than arabic in my daily life Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) I have screenflow its a screen recorder and an editer . Why do you think you should become a mod? I want to help the mineverse community. As we know there is many mods that play Op factions in a daily bases and Op factions is full of hackers. I have to wait til 12+ am to see a mod online. How long can you be active on the server everyday? server : 6 to 7 hours with some breaks here and there forums: i can be on the forums all day if tapatalk send me notifications i but mineverse forums as my second tab How long have you been playing Mineverse? 7+ months Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) yes i have been banned on mineverse 3 times first one was a false ban on Op factions for tp trapping by NCC (got unbanned in 3 days) second one was on kitpvp for extreme disrespect by max (hells told me to do it XD ) third one was on prison for hacked clients by don't remember his name (got un banned in 4 days Do you have any past experience as a moderator? yes i do, i had my owned a pvp server like 1 year ago (2014) i got 200 players a day. my Knowledge with commands i know pretty much everything with commands /tempban (player) (time) (reason) /ban (player) (reason) usually done by a head mod. some of you may know me as not mature i like to have fun thates why we play games some of you may ask for more details, i can but more details but im 2 lazy4life
i can be active on all of them but my main focus is Op factions can i ask why? yes im not serious because i like to have fun but i can be serious when i have to be
mega skype? i wont type -edit- 100000 words for a game i know i said it in the app its not my problem if u cant read
No support I kinda find this funny as you called someone a "hoe" in your mod app, this just proves your to immature for the job