Mods don't say something rude and then say [Sorry if rude] COMPLETE BULL <Edited> Act like a mod tads. Don't stand here being unprofessional as <Edited>
someday I'm going to gather all the evidence possible and present it to an admin. And that day is the day you will regret saying that to me tads
No-one. I'm saying if he enforces a no hack rule on his server then why does he go to other servers and hack?
He doesn't diss Cyp anymore. He's changed in that way. If he isn't hacking on Mineverse, then why does this affect Mineverse
Wow really? Just because tads is a mod that means he isn't allowed to say something like that and you're allowed? wow..
I'm saying he shouldn't act like he is 8 and start acting like a professional or his mod term will come to an end faster than he expects
Okay. Cyp is the Co-Owner, he isn't obliged to follow any player rules. He can hack all he wants, its his server.