Owner Bill Gates Co-Owner Hillary Clinton (lol) Admin My cat Andy (HI ANDY!) Developer Grandma Head-Moderator My tortoise, Dan. Mods Zeus, Poseidon, Hades. (The big three).
My staff team of 2016 Owner: @Nightfire and I Co-owner: @Pile_of_Butts , @Noobcrew Admin: @PandaBear__ , @Janice999 , @AgentWifi , @Wolf64 ,@RebornWolf Head- mod: @Nanurz , @fryzigg Moderator: @Natsumi1022 , @NoobCupCake , @Scorvix Dev: @TannerLittle
Thanks for the builder rank :P Honestly that is the only staff rank I want, I wouldn't want to be mod or admin... I do know enough java, lua, python, and C++ to be a dev tho but meh too much work :/
Owner: Noobcrew (tbh, I don't know anyone else who would be a good owner) Co-Owner: Nanurz Admin: Pile_of_Butts Developer: TannerLittle Head-Moderator: Alex Scorvix Ares_Xena Moderator: ZeldaNinja TADS4 Emily_x Janice999 RebornWolf MaxNinja10 Laura_or_is_it
Owner: Noobcrew Co-Owners: @YRVintage @ItzOlc Admins: @ClassyAlpaca @jubuscs @Janice999 Head-mods: @Scorvix @Discdog1000 Mods: Budder_Char @NoobCupCake (And a bunch of the other staff team I can't find names to oops.) Banned: All dem peepz who be hacking duh!
Staff Team- Owner- CotnerM Co-Owner- WannaSkype BeMad Head-Moderators Jewish Donut Moderators - Skillful_PvP SourPatchSpartan Head-Builders - CraftyAlex01 Builders- Arte28 This May/not already be a staff team..
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