That doesnt fix the problem of the amount of hackers everyday... We would need a whole mod team just for Hc Factions if this got implemented Also dought Cyp would add this command for the mods (just my opinion)
I guess my only response to the concern, would be "How is it different than now?" I say this not to be a jerk or anything, but hackers are something MV has to deal with on a day to day basis. All anyone can really do is try to put plugins/staff in place to mitigate the impact to the community, but alas, there is no 100% guarantee. I can appreciate the concerns however, and to @Creed point, it may be a good opportunity to introduce some additional protections against cheating.
All it is is a notification that is sent out to all moderators. Just like /helpop. I had access to helpop when I was a guard and adding the x-ray detection notification would be just like that command. You actually wouldn't need that many moderators to be on at once.. maybe 1. A single moderator would be able to handle all of it. I doubt there are more than 3 x-ray hackers on at once.
But all the hackers, and by a whole staff team I meant like what we have right now but just for the hc factions server, also forget what I said about cyp not adding the plugin for mods
Why don't we stop worrying about the hackers and think about the positives that this new addition could do? We could gain a whole new community based just off of this and maybe even inspire current factions players to play this too. This new addition could make the server grow. I understand that hacking is a very big problem, but if that's all we worry about nothing good can be accomplished.
Is that a neutral? Posting useless messages on threads does not help. If you agree or disagree please let us know. Thanks
Support. This is a great suggestion. I like the idea that people need skill to win, unlike other gamemodes where gods and titans are instantly OP and don't need skill to win(pay to win).
Support, seems like a great idea and I also like the suggestion of having /me for some ranks in "hardcore" mode.
I support this so much. Im not complaining about the ranks, but I think it would be a lot of fun if everyone stood on the same level for a change! :D