The security systems of my fortress have already stopped you. And it was never your hill to begin with.:t: Scor's hill P.S. make sure to recall what I said in my first post here.
I blow up your fortress with a nuke and claim what ever is left with every other person dying to radiation, You now can't even come near the hill for 1 century. My Hill now / Hole in the ground now.
I got a time machine and went back in time and blew up everything with bombs and made a bedrock castle over it so no one can get in it Taz's Hill
Way to ruin the game. :eh :t::t: I /tp to you and grow a tree under you when you are sleeping. You are glitched inside the tree and die from the damage given to you. My hill.
I lock you inside an iron man suit and set it's GPS to go to Madagascar where you'll live a new robot life. Muse's hill
I fearlessly have an encounter with you and realise that you are unarmed. I quickly grab my switch-blade and cut your throat using it. Kyle's Hill of Ender.
Simply pushes you down the hill because I'm lazy and don't want to right anything more. Flazer's hill.
Gets Apollo (Supposedly God of the sun. Greek mythology guys.) To aim it on your face and burn you, melting you. Billy's super awesome no life hill.
Hacks into your computer and posts all your embarrassing photos online. Sends you straight downhill and onto your computer to remove them. :t: