Syncro's Moderator Application How old are you? I am currently 17 years of age. Your in-game name: My in-game name is Syncro What timezone are you in? The timezone I am located in is EST9:30 What country do you live in? I was born and currently reside in Australia. What languages do you speak? I only speak English, but in the future am looking to learn Japanese and Dutch. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) I have ample ways to capture evidence, I have recording software installed on my computer and I have a YouTube channel to post it to. I have access to logs of my own if something were to occur whilst I was online, I have the in-game screenshotting mechanic to use for game chat or forum chat related offences. Why do you think you should become a mod? In my opinion I think I should become a mod for several reasons: 1. I'm an active member on several of the game servers 2. I am well driven towards effectively and efficiently resolving problems. 3. I have a high level of maturity, which helps with my trustworthiness. 4. I don't get distracted easily and I am usually focused with any task laid in front of me. 5. I also have a good understanding of the Mineverse community and how to adjust myself to the environment 6. I also have a decent understanding of the game and the commands. 7. I can improve upon any mistakes I may make to become a better and more reliable member of staff. How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be active on the server most days, but this year I am starting my final year at school, so this may interfere with my activity on the server. I can usually be on for 2-3 hours, but on occasion I can be on for the most of 10 hours on a good day. I am an organised and well driven person, so I can easily manage to schedule hopping on the server and my studies. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I joined Mineverse almost 3 years ago after a friend recommended we join him on the KitPvP game server, where after an hour or so, I took a liking towards the server. For the most part I have been an active member since, apart from few breaks in between lasting between 1-2 months at a time and is the reason I havent burnt out from Mineverse. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) I have never been banned Mineverse, but I have been banned on other server for mainly glitch exploitation and for hack (in my early days of MC). I can usually make up for any harm I do towards other people due to my outgoing personality. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, I have had a fair amount of experience as a moderator, but may be a little rusty due to inactivity of being one. I have been all types of staff over the years and have built an understanding of how to act with responsibility. Although all the servers I've gained a staff rank have run their paths, I can easily keep up with changes that may have happened within staff communities. Thanks for your time, I'll see you someplace C;
I advise you to spread out the questions and maybe make the titles bold as it is really hard to read and by the size of it I suggest adding more information Become more active in game and forums as I have never seen you on both It's a no support for now, good luck
No support, sorry, you're not very active and appears you haven't responded to many of people's responses. Good luck!
Hello There! I think you could easily add more info and detail to the application. Also I have not seen you in-game much, and your quite in-active on the forums. No Support, Sorry :( Good Luck! ;) ~Delta/D8
Thankyou for the suggestions, also I do play everyday, but it would appear I play on different servers to you all ;3