Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! This is Moderator Application from me! Without further or do lets Start it! Mod Application! Age:20 Name:Jasmine Timezone:UTC+9 Country: Japan IGN:SatisfictionSC Why should I choose you?:The Reason Why you should choose me is i like to help people in need,introduce new players to mineverse and help them have fun on the server! Do you have any past experiences?:Yes,I have a lot of past experiences on SplashNetwork,LionCraft,YayMC and a lot more! How long can you play?:I can play 7-9 hours on weekends and 3-4 hours on weekdays. How active are you?:I try to be online everyday to help players in need. What language do you speak?:I speak English and Japanese! Thats it for now,tell me if I missed anything out! Have a nice day. Behavior: I am a mature young lady that doesn't get angry easily. How long have you played?: 2 years. Extra! How did I find mineverse? :I was bored one day thinking I had nothing to do so I scrolled over minecraftservers.org and I found this server. Have you ever been banned?: I don't recall getting banned. Patience: I am quit patient and I will wait even if this mod app would not get accepted. Catching hackers: I know how to catch hackers as I a Head-Admin on YayMC Activeness: I can play 3-4 hours in game and be on minechat daily and very active on forums. Experience: I know the nesscariy commands for stop hacking hackers like /tempban /ban /mute /kick and all the normal mod commands. I am unbiased : I want players to be treated seriously as I don't want to make some people feel they are getting ignored. Honest: I am honest to everything and some players trust me. Calm: I am calm and relaxed woman I am calm even if I am frustrated I won't express it. Capturing Device : I have bandicom to record hackers. I will be more active on forums then in game. Trustable: I am quite trustable. I vow to make all players happy! Traits:Cheerful and happy will to help others in need. I edited my app hopefully this time it will change your minds,I will add a bit more info later. BUMP:I got demoted on YayMC
Please look at some accepted applications to have a basic idea of how to do your application. No Support. Good Luck! ;)
"We and @Rodeen will be mods next" With this kind of a mod app I don't see that happening... No support Add more info Remove some of the collors Get active Get known to the community Good luck...
Use the reply button btw ;) Sorry, but I'm going to say No Support. You're active in-game, but you need to be more active on forums. That means comment on threads and try to help other players. The neon colours make it hard to read, and I suggest you add more information. As @DeltaWolf take a look at some accepted applications to get an idea of what to write. Good luck.
Your a mentor to me teach me your ways! (Still in hospital) Also ok I will be more active on forums. Bump.
No support sorry Become more active in the mineverse community and try to get more familiar with the forums. I suggest adding more information btw too Good luck
No support sorry reasons stated above in other comments. Please work on your activity in the forums and for now the fact you comment on peoples profiles nonstop kind of makes it difficult, I understand you are trying to put yourself out there but doing that will make it harder. I wish you the best of luck and yes I am strict at some points <3 :>
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