I've Always wanted to be a moderator on a amazing sever like this! Well, here's my application! How old are you? I am 11 years old turning 12. Yes, I might seem quite young but I think I am mature enough to take the great responsibilities up ahead of me. Your In-Game Name- My in game name is AncientMelon. Most people know me as markoutsi8 but I changed my name about 2 weeks ago. What languages do you speak? I speak fluent English. I am also learning Greek. I am planning in the future to learn German, Spanish, and Swedish. What timezone are you in? I am in the pacific timezone! What country do you live in? I live in the U.S.A. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? Yes. I have a 15 second built in windows screen recorder so I can take small videos of hackers or other offenders. I can also take screenshots as well. Soon I will be getting a screen recorder with the help of my friend. Why do you think you should be a mod? Well, I love this server so much. I've been playing for 2 years now. The computer I played on broke a couple months ago so I was forced to delete minecraft. I was really sad because I missed mineverse. I want to help with this amazing server. Make it clean and help rid of the bad people. I think that if I was a mod I could really help. It would be amazing. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Monday-2-3 hours Game- 1 hour forums Tuesday-1-2 hours game- 30-1 hour forums Wednesday-1-2 hours game- 30-1 hour forums Thursday-2-3 hours game-1-2 hours forums Friday-2-3 hours game-1-2 hours forums Saturday- 2-4 hours game-1-2 hours forums Sunday-2-3 hours game-1 hour forums How long have you been playing mineverse? I have been playing for 2 years now. Have you ever been banned forums or in game? No. I have never been banned from mineverse. I was kicked from infection many times for standing still while I was on the forums but otherwise never been kicked from a moderator . Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No, I do not have any experience. Even though I have no experience I still think I can do it. I played this other game called Growtopia and I helped report people to the mods so that might be just a little experience of getting people banned. Now that I have finished this application I want to tell you some important traits I have. Honesty - I think honesty is a really great trait. I think honesty would be great trait for a moderator. For example, I would let a hacker get away with it and tell other people he's gone. I would never lie to one person on this server and try to trick people. My honesty is at a good level. Caring - Caring is really important. I care about people. If a person is sad, I help them. I would help. I think all moderators would need caring inside of their hearts because caring is something really important you would need as a moderator and in real life. If a mod did not have caring as a trait inside their heart then that means they are not fit to be a moderator. When you care, you pay attention when people are talking to you. Hardworking - Hardworking is also super important for a moderator to be. Hard working moderators are usually the best. That means they care about the server and they want to tell people "I'm a mod and I'm proud!". I would be a hardworking person. I would play in-game a lot and go on forums on a daily basis. I will put effort into the work I do on this server. Positive - If you know me well I am a very positive person. I don't like it when people are being rude to me and are saying bad stuff. I always try to keep people positive. This would be great for all moderators to have(I hope they all do and to encourage people to be positive everyday but to not fight. I think I could help make people more positive and more happy and to stop people from arguing. I can help calm people down and make sure everything is alright. Respect - This is a good trait. Respect should be given to all people. Even though moderators have more authority than others I think they should still give respect to others. I would respect all even at bad times. If someone was swearing at me I would respect that they obviously don't like me and I would warn them. If someone was saying bad news about life and someone was spamming or saying bad stuff about it I would respect the story teller and mute the spammer. Well these are some very important traits that I have. I really hope you guys an make me a mod and be able to make me help the server. Thanks. -AncientMelon
Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored. How old are you? Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? What languages do you speak? Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Why do you think you should become a mod? How long can you be active on the server everyday? How long have you been playing Mineverse? Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Please do not ask to become a staff as it lower your chances becoming one. You're a new member. Try and become more active. Once you have answered the questions above, I would expect lots of information to be included, but before that I do suggest you to look at the accepted mod apps before you begin. Good luck!
No support sorry -you're a new member on the forums -never seen you ingame -application is very brief -never seen you on the forums Good luck
No Support: Reasons as listed below. -new forum member -never have seen you on the server -application is too short Good Luck, ~Wes Thanks everyone for your feedback on this player's application.
No support. Follow the template or your application will be ignored. You are a new member to the forums try to become more active Never seen you ingame
The colors don't go well together. But color isn't important btw. No support, ever since I joined the forums, you've been inactive and haven't come on the forums.