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  • GrosserLyric543's Mod Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by GrosserLyric543, Jan 3, 2016.

    1. GrosserLyric543

      GrosserLyric543 Active Member

      Nov 5, 2015
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      Hello, I am GrosserLyric543. I would like to be a mod on your server, so just read below for more info!

      How Old Are You?
      I am 14 years old, I feel that I am old enough and mature enough to handle this big position on your server.

      Your In-Game Name?
      My in game name is GrosserLyric543. I got it when I signed up for a new xbox live account, it gave me a random name and I have stuck with it ever since.

      What Timezone Are You In?
      I live in the Central Time Zone.

      What Country Do You Live In?
      I live in the United States Of America. Many of the player on Mineverse live here so I will not have a big problem communicating and relating to the people of your server.

      What Languages Do You Speak?
      The only language I speak is English. Sadly this will not help me if I encounter someone that does not speak my language.

      Do You Have Necessary Means Of Capturing Evidence?
      Yes, I have a recording software that records in 720p. If you want to see this recording software in action you can check out my YouTube channel where I only have videos of playing on Mineverse and catching hackers on Mineverse. (Channel Name: GrosserLyric543)

      Why Do You Think You Should Become A Mod?
      I think that I should become a mod because I love your server and I want to make it a better place for everyone. For example, I love to join mini games and try to find hackers and get them off the server (as you can see in my YouTube videos). Also, I would love to help out more on the forums by giving people advice, and just helping them with any problem that comes up.

      How Long Can You Be Active On The Server Everyday?
      I can be active on the server for about 3 hours on weekdays, about 5 hours on Saturdays, and about 3 hours on Sundays. The reason why I can't be very active during the weekdays is because I have all honors classes in High School so I have about an hour of homework every night, plus I will have to study often for big exams.

      How Long Have You Been Playing On Mineverse?
      That is hard to say, I've been playing for so long that I have lost track of the time I have spent on your server. If I had to say I would say that I have been playing for a little over a year now, so I have learned a lot about how the server works.

      Have You Ever Been Banned In The Past?
      I have never been banned from any of your servers and I don't plan to because I want to make it a better place and not ruin it like all hackers do.

      Do You Have Any Past Experience As A Moderator?
      I do in fact, I helped out my friend when he started a server a little while back (it's closed now). I helped him sort out players and keep my eye out for any hackers.

      Thank you for taking your time to read my moderator application! I just wanted to make a side note that I want to keep making videos on this server (and hopefully start a banning hackers series). I have already got two hackers banned from the server, as I just started to record them today and yesterday. Thank you again and I hope you have a great day!
    2. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Nice start.
      I suggest you be more active on forums in-game and on forums. Maybe list some traits in the "why do you think you should become a mod?" Section.
    3. GrosserLyric543

      GrosserLyric543 Active Member

      Nov 5, 2015
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      Ok I will! Thank you for the suggestion!
    4. Austin Merrill

      Austin Merrill Active Member

      Dec 27, 2015
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      What does No support mean?

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5. GrosserLyric543

      GrosserLyric543 Active Member

      Nov 5, 2015
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      It means that you do not support the thread that you commented on.
    6. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
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      Your application is on the right track. I think the part about "Why you should become mod", could use some more detail. I also am not familiar with you ingame or on forums.

      No support as of now, I think you have great potential. Good luck :)
    7. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support

      -try becoming more active on the forums
      -I am yet to see you ingame
      -your application is a bit brief so try increasing it in the why should I become a moderator section

      Good luck and good work so far

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