Hello Mineverse; It has come to my attention that I will now be quitting mineverse and minecraft all together. I'm in that stage of my life where minecraft has done me good but it's time to go. I am leaving for I don't know how long but it will be a while. Why I'm Leaving: No one on this server has respect, if they do, it's minimal people. The mods are just getting re-promoted so there aren't any new mods it's all the same, [barely any new promotions] and in the case of this; is because noone gets a chance, I'm not bragging because I didn't get the position, I don't care about getting it, I just find it unfair that the people who have already had a chance of being mod get it again because they didn't mean to, seriously annoying. And a couple of days ago, I posted a report, clearly the person should of been banned for the reason which I will not display, I showed it to 4 mods and they said the person should of been banned, but no, one mod had to deny it, classic moderators, and this is why I am quitting because the server is getting really boring now and noone knows what they're doing and it's quite rude and disrespectful for the people who try to have fun on here and who try to enjoy themselves but those 40% of people just try and ruin it. I'd like to say some special goodbye's. @NoobCupCake - You've been my best friend ever since we started playing prison together and since we started doing our thing together. I've always liked you and you'll always be my best friend no matter what. As my best friend, I would never betray you for whatever reason nor will our friendship vanish throughout the ages. You mean alot to me, to me, you're like a brother. @SSMH - You're my favourite moderator which is currently mod. I hope you remain mod for as long as this server lasts because I believe you'd do great. But as a friend, you are an amazing person. I wouldn't want our friendship to go away. @ParanormalPizza - You're also one of my favourite friends and one of my only friends on this server. I've always liked you as a friend, you're a good guy. @tin15cro - Favourite Head-Guard. I believe you make a good moderator/head-guard on Mineverse and I hope you do not quit ever nor resign again. That's all I really have to say, Sorry if I missed anyone, I know not many people would care though. Anyways, I'll pop my head in every once and a while. Feel free to bump me a conversation if you have either an Xbox 360 or an Xbox One with your GT/some popular games that we can play.
Woah sorry I got repromoted!!1w!! Seriously though, there was only one repromotion (me.) All the others were brand new promotions.
I will sincerely miss you Elite. You've been a wonderful friend. It's disheartening to see you leave, but I wish you good luck in your future. Remember, you have my skype. ;)
Bye :/ you are one of the few people that make my mineverse playing fun and really enjoyable. U will be missed h_y_n :(