Daniel's Mod App MC IGN Daniel9757 Real Name Daniel Age: 13 (Mature) Timezone? <KL, Singapore> Are You Experienced? Yes, On like 37 Server I Own 6 Servers. (Not counted) What Are You Good At? Worldedit, Building, Redstone, I'm a very good Developer to recommend plugins and Stuff. Why Do You Think You Should Be A [Moderator] I'm helpful, kind, caring and I'm very cooperative I'll do very well to server as a Server moderator to help Noobcrew and other staff and Normal Players to solve there problems :D And I hope I can make help Mineverse being A Mod. Status I'll Be Only Nearly Every Day And Be Active on Mineverse Forums Please Support And Comment Bellow :D ~Daniel NO COPYRIGHT®™
No support, nor will I EVER support. Why? Click this then -.- http://mineverse.com/threads/mod-app-click-this.907/#post-6934
I'm not going to support this. Why add colors to a thing that should be taken seriously, what languages can you speak, and what will you do for mod? also, never advertise your application, we will read it ourselves, just wait.
Sorry but I don't support you. First of all, you don't follow the correct format, which would be fine if you had answered all the standard questions but seeing as you didn't you would need to change that. Also, you say you are 13 but your mod app is filled with grammar errors that even a 10 year old wouldn't make in a formal mod app so either you are lying or you aren't very smart. Either way, both those things aren't very good. I also doubt that you are a moderator on 37 servers and own 6. Even if you did, you wouldn't have the time to be a good mod in mineverse. I don't want to be mean but I see your posts on the forums and you act very immaturely so I think you would make a very bad mod. By the way, I notice that you rate any comment against you as dumb and you might do the same to mine but that just shows you're even more immature.
That is a little to mean at some parts but I do agree and I've seen him in other places and he doesn't have good English so that's not always his fault but again I agree to a lot of that
Lol my last sentence said you would most likely rate my comment dumb and out of all 14 options you chose to rate my comment dumb so I think that predicting something like that shows that I'm not an idiot. Especially because I got another rating that agrees with my comment so that must mean my comment isn't that bad.
bad grammar lol Rating other's posts dumb when they are giving you constructive criticism is unreasonable and immature. Proves you are not mature enough for the job. I know people may have been rude on this thread, but the way you reply is a very easy way to see the way you act when things aren't going your way. Actions speak louder than words.