Alright losers, are you guys excited for Winter Sale now that it is now here? If you are, what are you getting IF you are getting anything?! I got Borderlands (one), because I am a huge, Fallout, Borderlands, and Witcher fan. I have no idea what game I should get next! LOL! I have a rock named rocky. creative name, aye?
YASSSS I'm getting Saint's Row Franchise Pack [28 games and expansion packs :p] Nuclear Throne And idk :p
No but I mean, they are selling ALL OF THE GAMES AND EXPANSION PACKS in one bundle for 50$ but it's 15$ now on saleeeeeee
I've had the Franchise Pack ever since last year's sale. I'm sure you'll enjoy it - I did. Anyways, I completely forgot that Steam had a Winter sale. I barely play on Steam anymore. I'm gonna go check out what is on sale and maybe get something.
So, I'm obsessed with games like Saints Row and Grand Theft Auto. I already have the Saints Row franchise pack, but then I just found out the Grand Theft Auto complete pack was on sale. brb, grabbing the first credit card I see.
I don't think it's closed but it's not recommended to go on it right now due to hacking I think, which you just reminded me about, thanks, cause I was on it at that moment
I heard about it too, but I'm not that worried since well uh, I'm just one person. I like single player games so I don't get noticed around often.
If you are a Borderlands fan, I suggest getting Tales from the Borderlands. It's a great game.
I am a huge, huge, gigantic, OMG, amazing, god, addictive, Borderlands Fan. It's just that the The Pre-Sequel made me lose hope of Borderlands.