Delta has 5 alternates, a b c d and e. Let's say a game of build battles has a maximum of 10 players. > Delta joins a game with his alternates. > He builds something and gets his alternates to vote for his build. > Wins and gets free prizes. Like I said above, I still support this as it's unlikely to happen.
Okay so when you join the game you get sent to a mini lobby then you get a plot like a creative one but smaller (32x32) then the game gives out a theme for everyone playing (10 max players) then you get 5/10/15 minutes (vote at the top!) to build that thing. Then at the end everyone goes to one another plot and votes either Good, Ok, Bad, Super Bad, AWESOME, LEGAND! Then at the end the points get round up and who ever has the most points win! @Emilyalicewagner