Alright so I have been playing Infected for awhile and just recently went back on to see how it was. It was absolutely annoying and unbearable. All these God and Elite ranks with Diamond armor and swords were spawnkilling and camping the spawn area of zombies which made it really annoying and kind of unfair. I have been on plenty of other servers and they have made spawnkilling against the rules. It ruins the enjoyment of others and is pretty unfair. Most of the Gods and Elites just say they are having fun and could care less which makes me even more annoyed. Most think they are so important because they have a rank, and that they should be able to do whatever they want and it doesn't matter if it ruins other peoples gameplay. I'm not saying all ranked people are like this, but some are and they feel like they have a bigger say in everything, and only they matter. Please do something about this spawnkilling annoyance. I think it should officially be put in the rulebook as an offense.
The higher ranks can only have the ability to do it for a little bit of time before zombies over take them anyway... Also, this issue isn't THAT common.
It's very common. I'm known for killing spawnkillers on infection. I don't think it should be against the rules, I just think there should be a way to make it impossible to spawnkill.
Support, some times we can beat em' up but some times they will do it for the whole 5mins. @CypriotMerks or @Noobcrew should add like a spawn protection thing.
How's it unfair? It's not unfair. What would be unfair is to deny players from using their well-paid-for ranks. Are those servers some how mean't to set some standard for Mineverse? Because they're having fun. I see no need to lie in that situation. Because you are not part of that group, you're going to act oppressed by that group? Stop exaggerating sh1t. Most of the time ranked players are the ones always talking because they're the popular kids of Mineverse, and that's all they are. They do not control things. You're only exaggerating your observation of social interaction.
It is annoying, especially when you are trying to message someone but keep getting killed before you have the chance to. But, it shouldn't be against the rules or kickable/bannable. If the owners don't want people to spawn kill, a good idea would be to add a 5x5 safe zone for zombies. I don't see that happening any time soon but in the mean time, spawn killing is something that you and others will have to put up with, sorry.
Safezone? Lol.. Anyhow, it's quite simple to escape from the ones spawnkilling. Although it is frustrating on maps such as Mineshaft and.. the one with that boat thing.
Neutral, one of the perks of being a high rank is being able to spawnkill, but eventually the zombies will take over and kill the spawnkiller so I don't think this should be a rule.
Support and no support. When I am spawn killing it is fun from that side I like spawn killing. No support because if I am being spawn killed I hate it. So with that said the respectful part of me would like to say spawn killing is bad.