I'm gonna have to say no support for this suggestion. Like exampled above, I could be wrongly banned and have hard-earned items be removed for absolutely no reason. But I am highly in favor of some sort of fine. That sounds like a fantastic idea to me.
Even though your trying to do the right thing hider is right if you got banned but you weren't actually hacking that would kinda suck... No support
Hey Dude I remember you :D you used to play kitpvp long time ago haha Idk if you remember I was hider21 xD
No support, If the items were hacked in the player would never be allowed on again and if they were just a kill aura hacker or minor hacks then it could remove rares from the economy also it would be really difficult to do without just clearing their player data
Look, I know exactly what you mean. All your items will probably still be on the hacker when you die and its unfortunate for those who play fair. One of the best solutions would include mods having commands which could easily be misused by a rouge one. To put it simply the amount of people who hack would be much too high for the admin to go through and clear inventories and this issue calls for players to not wear or have any gear that you would not want a hacker to get hold of. Like, i would wear common gear and keep anything precious in my enderchest.
In theory I agree with this statement, in practice there needs to be a good way to perform this without potential abuse from staff.
For mods to take away money they need /Eco and I am just guessing that they don't have access to that or they would be able to make themselves the most powerful in the game. So then this would require a head mod or even cyp or noob to come on and clear every hackers money so no support.
What I don't get is, players who scammed me and get banned and then get unbanned and keep the money, pretty pathetic tbh. Support.
Too much effort on Cyp's behalf, and I doubt mods will be trusted with this. Also, people who are banned falsely and have this stuff cleared will find this extremely unfair. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
maybe if only a certain rank of staff was able to clear items... head mod or make another rank above mod title
I believe a good idea would be to... first they get a temporary ban, like 3 to 4 days. Then once they get back on, to insure that they learned they lesson, haft of there items/ranks/money would be temporary banned for 1 week to 2 weeks, comparing to what they did. They would then have to deal with there ranks, or what ever, being taken away temporary. This is kinda like getting grounded, if they do it again, the ban and rank/items/money/etc. ban would get longer each time... This should insure that the hacker would learn there lesson and stop hacking.