So, as of yesterday, I have been able to change my IGN (finally) from x_MadiPVP_HD_x. However, I do not know what to change it to. I have been thinking about this for awhile as well as asked some friends for ideas, but nothing. I need ideas, so if you have any, please feel free to leave some below. I would prefer to have "Madi" included in it, also. :> Whoever's name I choose will get /kit titan on all game modes. ;D Hopefully yall are better at this than I am. ;-;
Anything with Madi in it is probably taken or looks really bad, if you could give me your favorite letter, favorite word or something I could get a pretty nice name for you.
A lot of those are taken, and I don't really like numbers or underscores. Thank you for all of the suggestions so far. :> The word "food" is pretty nice ;D