Recently a lot of people have been getting banned cause of "macro heal". But the staff have no proof that its macros. It could be a titan healing them. As this would be considered false banning I would change the punishment for "macros" to a 3 day ban because staff never know if the player was actually using macros or a titan healed them. So basically I would change the ban to a 3 day ban because some legit people actually get banned 31 days for this obscure ban and it is completely unfair for them. But let say they do it again (after they get unbanned) then they deserve a full 31 or perm Again this is kinda like a suggestion so please don't put negative replies. Please just put constructive replies Thank you -oPrimitive
"Incase" it's a chance. It's also a chance of them getting healed by a Titan. So no matter what happens they get a 100% ban.
I just copy and paste /heal LOL I get called for macros 24/7. If you think I can't do that, try typing /heal, highlight it, press Control C then when you need to heal press T and press Control V! xD
Why are macros even bannable? Macros are always considered "hacking". Everything on your keyboard and mouse is technically a macro, or real name, a button. Most gaming accessories like a gaming keyboard or mouse can be edited to set a /heal macro or even a /tpaccept macro. Thats like using "F" for sprint. Its not a hack, its not unfair, so if you want to be able to Macro... buy a mouse or keyboard to do it. I have my 5th mouse button set to move to my diamond sword... is that bannable? I can press 1 on my keyboard to do so. It needs to change. Pl0x.
That's exactly what I do... I can do ./heal so fast with copy paste that I don't miss a beat in my pvp... Every once in a while, I will have to pearl away, but usually not even that, it really is hard to tell if macros what is being used, or if the circumstances just make it seem like that. On a separate note, I think this should be moved to suggestions, @Janice999 @BlackZone
Just make the heal sentence public in chat. It should show something like this. "StrKillr just healed himself." Or "You've been healed by StrKillr."
Yeah, but when macros are used, it would still say "StrKillr just healed himself", so that wouldn't help very much
I don't even know why there is a rule for Macro usage, if someone is bothered to set-up a macro, then why not let them use it? Also, most macros are either built in with a Keyboard or Mouse, so why are we banning people who use their product? my opinion. However, this idea is better, no way should a macro be a 31 day ban! Yet, most keybinds and macros are used via a hack client :(
There isn't a rule about "no macros". Yes you can make macros on a client, but you can still add them to a gaming mouse or keyboard. There are even mods that allow you to do it. Mostly its not even hacks :/.