This is a quick suggestion to add a mini game called "Build Battles" so each player get's 5-15 mins on then a voting period at the end the person with the most positive votes wins mini game rubies.
Neutral. Mineverse is known for the unique servers it has, there are already so many servers which has this gamemode. If a twist or something new was added to it you would gain my support.
Full support. This is a fantastic game, a great mini game and could easily be made into a mineverse game-mode. Mineverse game-modes are not exactly unique- prison, pvp stuff etc. But a lot of servers do have similar games and things so I think anything that would make mineverse game-modes more enjoyable without being a complete rip off even if its the same idea. Though logically I know mini-games are not the biggest thing for mineverse, better mini games than the current would improve that aspect.