So, today I was thinking of a little thing we could do as a community and tell about what we have asked for this Christmas. So in this thread post between 1-3 of the main things you have asked for this Christmas season. It's also a fun way to see what others want :P Mine: 1. Black ops 3 PlayStation 4 bundle. 2. Razer blackwidow chroma. 3. Razer diamondback/razer ouroborus. Now it's your guys' turn :P :3
1. Snow. 2. More snow. 3. All the snow. That's basically all I really want. Haven't seen snow in about 3 years...
Winter hat Earmuffs (it can get to -3 degrees where I live in the winter) Xbox games Pictures for my room New boots or something
:D that really made me smile. 1) Samsung Tab E 2) Money towards a trip to France in 2016 3) Money for clothes