The snow maps both suck, they're too big. heh. Ive talked to so many of my friend who hate them aswell, I personally dont like the red tree map, but I know alot of people do so im find if that one stays. But all the new maps aside from the grass one are pretty, but not fun to play on. Comment if you agree! Overall I think the snow maps should be removed and replaced with smaller maps.
Ummm? MV maps are very small compared to almost all other servers, lol. I think that the maps need more detail though. Edit: About the snow maps themselves, I haven't played them yet so I don't know if they're bad. I can almost guarantee they're not too big though.
I don't see the problem, they aren't massive like other servers. Majority of the fun I have is based around the fact that you can see everyone and the games are quick and intense.
Idk, maybe its just my playstyle, I personally just like to rush everyone and kill everyone as fast as I can, So the maps where I can bridge to someone with 7 blocks or something are great for me, but its really annoying when it takes almost 20 blocks like on the larger snowmap. Also the larger maps favor people who use shop because they can just enderpearl everywhere.
I'm suggesting removing the snow maps, I feel like most people don't enjoy them. Ill work on making a possible replacement today, to kinda show you what I think a good map would look like