hi again i got the inv clear and the back to spawn but i still can't join creative it keeps making my minecraft crash some1 help me plz
The most likely problem would be either where you are, or what you have in your inventory. Since inventory clear and teleport back to spawn are not working for you, though, it's likely something wrong with your connection or your account. @Janice999 @Nanurz @Pulchritudinous Would this be worthy of email to support?
i dont think its my account or connection cause the other servers there work its creative that i can't go on
I've never heard of this problem before... it really is beyond my knowledge. All I would think of for you to do would get a mod to help.
@Nanurz if the back to spawn isn't working, would a 1second temp ban kick him back the creative spawn?
Seeing as you were recently online (2 days ago), I am going to assume this is fixed. Feel free to make another thread it not.