Hey everyone, As some of you may or may not know, I actually don't actively play anymore. With this said, I play enough to know that MV is in need of somewhat an 'update'. It's been long due, and multiple people have been requesting some of these updates for a while, or at least expecting them. Most of them are simple, and I'm sure if Cypriot doesn't want to do them, he can easily find someone who is to an extent trustworthy to do them for him. I'm not here to complain or point out the laziness that is being displayed, but I feel a thread such as this is necessary. 1. KitPvP Spawn - We, the players, have been requesting exp rooms/trading rooms for a long time now. I cannot even begin to comprehend why this hasn't been added yet, because this is indeed a long term request. I'm unsure as to whether Cypriot has looked past this, or if it was simply not thought about, but nonetheless, it would indeed improve KitPvP. For something so small, and simple, it will make a difference. With this said, a custom command or plugin implemented such as "/trade" could fix the trading issue. When you consider the fact that the KitPvP spawn is literally a hole in the side of a generated mountain, I doubt this request is too large. 2. OP Prison - We've been waiting for Ares for about 7 months now. I've made threads during the past located here about how OPPrison has been destroyed: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/r-i-p-opprison-cyp.56411/ http://www.mineverse.com/threads/opprison-r-i-p.53900/ And, here's another one made by @MrPronounce http://www.mineverse.com/threads/opprison-reset.55667/ So, this game mode is clearly in need of a reset, but, none the less, I feel that if you won't reset it, then the least you could do is release some new things that the community could some what benefit off, for example, Ares mine and the ones after that. This would be appreciated, and from my knowledge, they've already been built by ImTubeless. 3. GTA - Update it. GTA is basically still in Beta, and I'm unsure as to why. There is so many things that could be implemented to improve it, and it would take little to no time. I mean literally, adding something for example EXP Bottles for sale would improve the game mode. Think about it, something THAT SIMPLE can improve the game mode majorly. Other things you could do is add some kind of storage, which from memory has been said that it's a possibility before. It is oblivious that this game mode is not being worked on, and it needs to be worked on. 4. Changing spawners on Skyblock. I don't understand why there is an issue with this. I have a theory, but it is probably wrong. Now, in 1.8 or something, it was made so that you can use a monster egg on a spawner, in vanilla, no plugins or anything. I'm unsure, but I think that there may be a plugin that is messing with that or something. If this is the case, removing the plugin should be an easy fix.. Regardless of this, I'm sure there is a solution that is most likely basic. This has been hassling long term skyblock players for a while now, and if fixed would make the game mode much more smoother. -=-=-*-=-=- Now, with this all said, I am extremely sure that there are other small issues that could easily be fixed in the matter of seconds. These are all off the top of my head, and I know that most of them would be easy to fix. Cyp, it would be worth it. Thank you, GizzBots @CypriotMerks
I'm all for an update/reset of OP Prison, always will be. New spawn on KitPvP? Honestly, a new map could also be a good thing, change is good. Skyblock - Spawners are in definite need of a fix. I honestly hear it a lot. Support.
Support on everything, these all some of my top prioritized 'needs-to-be-fixed' thoughts. Please, Cyp/Crew, take a look at this thread.
@GizzBots The plugin causing the problem is silkspawner, unfortunately this plugin is also very important to people who play skyblock. It allows use to break spawners and keep them which is super useful.