Hi, I find it very annoying when you build something like amazing but someone has to ruin it buy making mine carts go on your plot, I think mine carts should be removed or only available in word edit if you can get mine carts in world edit to reduce the spam of them.
Hm seems a bit silly people can place minecarts on your plot. Although won't clear lag pick them up? If not I support
you can't place them on peopels plot but people build high rails to send the mine cart launching onto your plot and clear lag doesn't pick them up and there unbreakable
Support, I had like three staff and five friends to push a fleet a carts off my plot. What is the plural for minecarts anyway? Anyone?
Thank You i literally just went on creative and found all the mine carts on my plot it actually is so annoying
ClearLag does not pick up Minecarts, though they are entities because some people use them in their creations. Though, if this suggestion is implemented and Minecarts are removed, there are going to be a lot of unhappy people. Nevertheless, I think this is a fantastic suggestion. I don't play creative a lot and my own plots pretty much surround myself so I'm not sure how this could happen to me, but it seems to be troubling a lot of other people. Minecarts should be given a trial run where they are only able to be placed via WorldEdit; and if further abuse continues, remove them completely. Support.
Thanks! Any chance we can break them aswell? Rythens first plot is littered with them and It took 7 people to clear mine.