So here is something that I have seen in the creative chat: But this isn't the first time. One of the most prevalent trends on creative is sex clubs. 9/10 times I come onto creative, someone is talking about sex, nudity, and using serious profanity. Earlier the same day, someone was spamming Tpa for nudes!!!! I don't know if simply making a sexual reference is bannable. but it is certainly something that can be prevented. I don't know what the best way to prevent this would be, but "Mc Sex" has become a serious problem on creative. @Janice999 @Scorvix @Nightfire
I agree, let's make creative a clean nice place to build. I think we should be free to build and say things without walking on ice to prevent from saying something slightly inappropriate... But all the "tp for sex!!!1!1!" messages are annoying and makes the game mode look bad.
They did it on my friend's cousin's brother's mother's nephew's girlfriend's sister's father's brother's son's friend's uncle's server and no one could get past it.
I'd play on creative more if there were less spammers... But seriously, they're talking about this sort of stuff when they're probably only about 12, lmao.