So my idea is for comparaters to be added to skyblock. I don't care how they are added, whether it be a new challenge reward or making them a part of the naturally spawned skyblock, but I really want them added. People who love Redstone probably know what I mean. Comparater are extremely useful, for sensors, timers, and to automate farms easier. I know this might go against the whole point of skyblock, but I think all the Redstone users would find it worth it. Please vote on whether or not they should be added. Thank you, Wwplgamer
Heyo! Support. I myself don't even know what they are used for, or how they work at all (I'm hopeless with redstone) but I hear so many redstone users saying they need them. Adding comparators would definitely make a lot of people happy. Have a great day!
Do not bump a thread multiple times a day. Support, but has no use really since hoppers are disabled.
Not necessarily guys, you can still use them to make a lot of things. If you think they can only go with hoppers, your creativity level is low. Right now at my island I'm using my comparater on my tree farm.
It's kind of this block that can sense if certain blocks, items, and entities are in a certain place. They are used in the infamous 'hopper timer'. It can be extremely useful and time saving to use when working with Redstone.
Thank you for your completely necessary, passive aggressive response. I mentioned one example of use (by which is the most common application as you have already stated multiple times in this thread) being hoppers. Nor is it a creative use, it's functional. I support the addition, but it's not worth the effort if you still cannot use it for automation.
I'm sorry for being aggro. Thanks for calmimg me down. I don't mind if there are no hoppers though to go with the comparaters and even without the hoppers they can be useful. I just think they should add them and then when hoppers come back it will be perfect. Plus you can use it for automation. Just simply attach all your farms to an afk hole. In my opinion, comparaters would be good to add, and a few people agree with me.