I've seen this happen a lot with various player/moderators, and it's annoying to me to see them used in the wrong way. So basically, the term "staff power abuse" is referred to either A moderator making a mistake A moderator having a different opinion than the players A moderator actually abusing power Let's go into each term and discuss what they each mean. -- Staff Power Abuse- This refers to a moderator abusing his or her powers in the community, whether it be on the forums or on the server itself. Some examples of this include taking from people's inventories, banning people for no reason, sudoing people into saying inappropriate things, intentionally killing players, using their powers to bypass island protection and grief, framing people, etc. If you were to ban a player for an extended amount of time, simply because you feel you have the power to do so, is power abuse, and the moderator should apologize to the public for their actions. Different opinions- Each person has their own opinions, right? Moderators respect people for their opinions, so, in return, they would like to have your respect for our decisions as well. That doesn't mean you can't critique us, just don't be rude about it. A prime example of this would be muting somebody for spamming instead of kicking them first. Now, a moderator is entitled to either or, so saying a moderator is "abusing powers" to do this is, in fact, not true. However, if the moderator is giving different punishments, e.g. muting somebody that just insulted a friend of yours for a longer period of time than someone who insulted a random person, would make the moderator biased. Misunderstandings- Everybody is human, correct? They make mistakes, but there's a difference between those who actually learn from their mistakes or just go ahead and act like it never happened. If a moderator makes a mistake, that moderator should apologize to either the public or the player it was performed to. -- I sure hope this can resolve a lot of the confusion/misunderstandings that many are experiencing. -taken from Skyblock-
Sadly they do not, as everyone holds the "customer is always right" fallacy close at hand. If they (mainly being children with no experience with the real world) don't get what they want, it's their sole purpose then to try getting a demotion for abuse.
As a former staff member of a couple large servers, I have often been labeled with abusing my staff powers... When it didn't fall under that category at all. So I know your pain. This should be pinned, in my opinion, and every member should read this.
Cue all the people with no Moderator experience saying "I feel your pain." All the same, this is a great informative thread. Thanks for that yo.
Thank you for posting/re-posting this for Mineverse. It's a great thread and I do believe this should be pinned.
ohhh the ironyyyyy dont get mad btw lel I remember back when you gave well, just about any staff member you could, grief for doing their job ;p gud 2c that you have changed