Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by pokemaniac01, Apr 22, 2014.
Support :D
Support bby <3
Support, you da best man :p
Support! :D <3
Support for meh fluffy Pikachu. :>
Thx Edward ;) Lol ty Thx! :D Who yo callin' fluffy!?! D: Jk, thx! ;D
sad face?
Honestly u dont need supporting but support ;)
I fail to see why you need this seeing as your already mod but... SUPPORT!
Darn typos.... xD Thank you! Thx! :D
wait, as a mod, do you not get the same things as guards on prison?
I dunno... All I know is that I am the only mod (I think) without perms on Prison... :/
I think you should just pm cyp then and tell him you'd like perms
But he never responds to me... :/ Does that mean support? :P
What else would it mean? :t:
Lol thx
I support you... 100000000%