First off I would like to say I have no connection with @Imperial_Mint. Now let's begin way more detail is this some sort of joke? Because it is not funny an application is only supposed to be a representation of a player. This is an application 1000 words is already a suitable amount for one "way more detail needed" would you like a 10000 word essay?
Im just asking for just a tad more details on specific things that is all. The detail isnt the only reason I didnt support. Im just one person and one opinion relax.
This is my opinion and you cant change it. I dont know what happened before but Im just looking at what I have.
Could you be specific? Everyone says the same thing and I'm starting to wonder if they are lacking things to say and are just repeating things they saw in previous comments?
I mean yes you have tons of stuff about you but I would just like to know what your planning on doing as mod, your goals on how your going to affect the server, and like i said I also didnt support because I dont see you in-game or on the forums much but it might just be our timezones
I don't think you're active enough for the position both in game and on forums although you have the traits that are needed to gain the position. Neutral.
Support. I've chatted with you a bit on skyblock. I think you would make a good mod. Bonus points cause your Mod App reminds me of a fancy menu.