If you have ever played skygrid, you know the only way to buy items is by executing the command /shop. Here is a picture of the items you can buy: I think that this needs a big improvement. Skygrid is not one of the most "popular" gamemodes on mineverse, and I think my suggestion would bring some more players onto this gamemode. My suggestion is to add the plugin "Shopkeepers". Use this link to get more info on the plugin - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/shopkeepers/ Description: This plugin allows you to customize a villager shop (the villagers stay wherever you put them). They will sell items as admin shop (this means infinite stock). The shop will be displayed as two row inventory you can modify with clicking on the villager. You may give custom names to shops and also use color codes (&). Since this gamemode uses emeralds as the currency, this plugin would be perfect to buy items through the villagers using emeralds. There could be different villagers for different sections of items, for example: The villager named "Crops" could sell farming material. The villager named "Items" could sell items/ingots. Ect. Thanks for reading! - CountryGirl_ :D
Support but it could be very negative on the economy as currently the only way to get emeralds are voting and titan kits, doing something like this would majorly imbalance it
Because emeralds would be worth much less as there would be an easy way to obtain them, also there is a way to do custom shops in vanilla minecraft with the use of command blocks. Personally I like the idea of this but I don't think there should be an admin shop, just player owned shops. And admin shop would bring too many emeralds into the economy
There would be no easier way to obtain emeralds. You use emeralds from voting to trade with the villagers, no alternate way to get them. Admin shop just refers to that the villagers would never run out, you can constantly give emeralds to any of the villagers to get things. Players also CAN'T create the villager shops.