I banned some people, I didn't ban Proven and the people after. Someone else please help me with this.
******************************************************************** I'll ban the rest when I get on my pc.
Banned: ADGYT zCombozq (Op PvP) piggy_BACONZ DeltaLizard ajoseph412 durpysmash vilim07 CrispyButtsweat Unpleased DrinkableTree DiVeRsESkillZ age5 unbreak1 CheezyBullet HudsonM10 Already Banned: RejectedPvPHD xUltraTigerz xXFireball123Xx RappMonster UUID: @Nanurz @fryzigg xReflexz MikailGHG RCiags smokindnk olivergp Not enough evidence for: Proven_ jezze66 olivergr Your_Ez_Boii THEBOSS2025 Thank you for your Huge report. We really appreciate it but can you please list the names of the hackers in the report instead of us having to look and write down the names? It makes our lives so much easier. Please do not delete this video until after 31d.