Ok i was ender pearling in kit pvp and was stuck in a wall and after a while i got kicked and said kciked for flying or related and when i logged in boom it sent the same thing right away and now i cant play kitpvp
I thinkthe only way out is enderpearl but i do /kit commander by doing ^ in chat and i dont have the time to press enter
Have you tried using MineChat on a phone? I find it useful when I get stuck in a nether portal trap online. Maybe it'll help you in this case.
Hmm, if you have the time you maybe can do /! It Will kill you or if that doesn't work test /bukkit:kill Hope i helped if not contact a mod throug pm and it Will go Much faster
when i woke up in the morn it didnt kick me out but i was sill stuck and used kitcommander ender pearl to get out