Imperial Mint’s Moderator Application Currently being edited if necessary. How old are you? 17 years old. Your in-game name: Imperial_Mint. What timezone are you in? SAST (South Africa Standard Time). What country do you live in? South Africa. What languages do you speak? Fluent English, Afrikaans and partial Dutch. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes, I am able to take screen shots and record if necessary. Why do you think you should become a mod? Introduction: I recently became a part of the Build Team on Mineverse. Many people saw the new tag along side my name and just assumed I had the same abilities as a mod, unfortunately I did not. I wanted to help, even though I didn't have the knowledge, or ability to do so, although I tried my best in helping them with what they needed, but it wasn't enough. So I then decided applying for Mod would be a brilliant idea, I do like to help, and do my best, but I want to do more, so here I am applying for mod. Body: My attributes Trustworthy: I am a very trustworthy person, I don’t understand what the point of betraying, or backstabbing people is, I find being friendly and understanding is the only way to go. Responsible: I am responsible. I take responsibility for any mistakes I make and take pride in my work. I do what is asked of me and do it to the best of my ability. Friendly: I am a very friendly person, being mean and hateful towards other players is pointless in my eyes. I’m always friendly and nice unless pushed over the line or when dealing with difficult players. But I’m hardly ever rude to people. Fair: If I become Mod I will be fair but I will be firm. I don’t believe in social bias and will treat everyone fairly whether they are a friend or not. Honest: I find lying distasteful and rude. I always try my best to tell the truth, depending on the situation. But otherwise I am an honest person. Hard Worker: When faced with a task I do my utmost to complete said task and do it to the best of my abilities. Responsive: I take suggestions and helpful criticism well, and will try hard to reply to everyone who is needs help or who has a question. Helpful: I do try my best to help those who need it. Whether it being curiosity about the server or having troubles with their rank or being disrespected by other players. I will try my best to help everyone. Supportive: I love to support everyone I can, even those players who have just had a bad day and need a shoulder to cry on, I’m patient and understanding, and cheer those on who are trying to achieve their goals. Mature: I show my maturity in both how I speak and act, being disrespectful, rude or retaliating to torment shows immaturity. I shrug it off and continue with daily life. Respectful: I am a very respectful person, even to those who don't respect me, although I am not as nice to those who are rude or disrespect me, but I will tolerate them. Being a Mod: Being a mod is challenging, dealing with difficult players, all kinds of questions and every excuse in the book, but I do like a challenge. Most of the time I have been on Mineverse I have sat back and done nothing, although now i feel evolved in the running and maintaining of the server, and that feels great! I love being a part of the Mineverse experience. I believe I can do a great job in helping enforce rules, keep players happy and deal with the everyday problems Mineverse faces. I am familiar with most of the rules and punishments that coincide with them if broken. I notice the players who usually get skipped over more often than most mods and answer their questions to the best of my ability. Generally there are few mods on during the times I am online and figured it would close the gap. I admit it is hard to get to help everyone at once but I will try my best to do so. I feel as if I can deal with the responsibility of a moderator position. I don't believe in becoming mod for the popularity or the title, Igenuinely want to assist players in need. I love helping out. I strive to be a positive role model for the younger players ofMineverse. I know how most of the servers work, what rules are set in place and what players can and can't do. Watching how mods deal with situations in game as well as on the forums I think I have learnt a lot, but do still have a lot more to learn in the process, which is why I would like to get the opportunity to become a moderator. Why should I be mod you ask? That is why, I'm a hard worker, strict when it comes to rules set in place, I'm friendly, don't believe in bias towards others, understand most game modes and how they work, I know what rules are set in place and have a strong belief in respect. I want to be a positive role model for the players ofMineverseand help the server for no selfish reasons, but for the sake of helping itself. My goals as a mod: I have noticed a large cyber bullying problem and I'm going to attempt to stop it as far as I can. Bullying is the reason most players stop playing. And I will do my best to stop bullies, and keep the innocent safe. Being mod is tough, and most mods get enough torment as it is. I plan on showing people that mods aren't there to force you to do what they want, but to keep peace and harmony. I want to be a positive role model. I want to stop the scamming issue that is going around, no one likes to lose their money whether it be in a game or in real life. Conclusion: I will stay true to myself and then your will know I am genuine and not pretending to be someone I'm not.I do believe I can improve the server, even if I can only do this in the smallest of ways. Stopping "Hackers", profanity, disrespect and rule breaking, for instance. “With great power comes great responsibility", and I promise not to abuse such power. So take me into consideration, and before you judge my app, try getting to know me firstly, I might just surprise you. How long can you be active on the server everyday? During school: Monday: 2-3 hours Tuesday 2-3 hours Wednesday: 2-3 hours Thursday: 2-3 hours Friday: 1-2 hours Saturday: 3-4 hours Sunday 4-5 hours During Holidays (generally April, August and December With exception to mid term breaks) I go out more during the holidays and tend to be less active. and therefore cannot be conclusive on how often I can play during these times. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I think I discovered this server near the end of 2013 and have been playing ever since, I took half the year off, to focus back on my studies and started playing again soon after they got better. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) I was banned once before on survival for advertising "" (which in my defence was a moderators ign and was a joke), Pop took it as being authentic and banned me. I appealed and apologized to Pop in game as well and was soon unbanned. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I do not have much experience as a moderator, although I would appreciate this server to give me my first real attempt at being a mod on a larger server. I was a mod on a small server which wasn't open for very long and wasn't giving the opportunity to get the full experience. I hope you enjoy my app :p I respect the other mods for what they do, and thought I would give it a shot.
Neutral. You're active, friendly, but. I'd like to see you add more information into the Why do you believe you should become a moderator section.
I rarely reply to mod apps but I will this time. Remember all applications are global now. Also add a bit more information to the "Why should you become mod?" part. ;)
I don't mean to be a grammar Nazi, but this whole "paragraph" is just one big run-on sentence. You need some more information on "why you should be mod," and you can't apply for separate gamemodes anymore, you have to apply for global. I haven't really seen you helping too much, but I don't really see you all too often anyway, so I can't really judge that. No support, good luck Imperial.
Thank you for the advice, I sorted out my terrible use of punctuation. I read the template and if I recall correctly it implies that they are doing away with global moderators?