here have a look my folder has not been edited and i cant even play mc atm because my comp has been reset and i need to figure out how to update my graphics card
Quad and programmer. If you want to keep arguing, go make a private thread and start telling at each other there. Please. This thread was made to try to make a new moderator, not start a war.
thank you and im sorry that you think i would be a bad mod i have been mod before on different server and i know its not an easy job and sometimes you have to make hard decisions that i might need help on but thats why theres more than 1 mod
i understand i get that me and my brother bother have made wrong choices and im sorry for it i didnt mean to make anyone hate me i was just doing it for the love of the server
I cannot support this. I'm sorry. I've heard too much stuff about you and seen you being rude on these forums far too much to believe you would be good as a moderator.
thank you for your input i understand i haven't been the nicest person neither has my brother and i don't understand why everyone hates me for my brothers actions but i get it so thank you.